Just In
for StReTCH

8/14/2010 c1 23angrylove888
Wow, strange. A bit hard to follow, especially in the beginning, but very intriguing. I look forward to reading the rest. :)
7/23/2010 c1 8SpaceCat
My my my my!

Such a delightful bit of dark!
7/20/2010 c1 ZyggyGirl
This was amazing! Very few errors, if any, and mind-bending strangeness. Very professional so far. The beginning dream scenes are especially good; not too wordy or vague, and the pacing just seems to flow on its own.

I honestly think you could get this published, if you ever wanted to.
7/20/2010 c5 2I Am The Masquerade
Great chapter. I really can't wait for Leeann Mantra to come into the story.

6/20/2010 c4 70-C.L.A.M.-0
Love this story.
6/7/2010 c4 2I Am The Masquerade
You know what I love about your writing, especially concerning this story? I enjoy how you abruptly change from one topic to another, jerking your reader's attention from one character's woe to another's maddened glee. It's wonderfully frustrating, and I applaud you for that, because, no matter how annoyed I might get, I want to read more because I'm a masochist when it comes to writing, and I really want to find out what happens next. Please update soon.

6/7/2010 c4 5RokitToMars
Okay, Topper is officially the fucking weirdest, most twisted character I've read about.

It's kind of awesome.

But wow, another really good update (You obviously can't go wrong.).

And if this Leeann turns out as creepy cool as she sounds, the next one should be great.

So yeah, good stuff. Til next, eh?
5/28/2010 c3 70-C.L.A.M.-0
This story's good. I like it.
5/18/2010 c1 0-C.L.A.M.-0
Interesting story, can't

wait to read more. But I

must go to sleep. This is

an awesome bedtime story

though. ;D
5/1/2010 c3 23witheredxwaste
Nice, another chapter :)

And a superb one at that! Keep going, it is fantastic!
4/19/2010 c2 3spydercrystal
The end of what Topper said about Scarlett reminded me of the song "Short Skirt, Long Jacket" by Cake. I read the original take of StReTCH and I liked it a lot. I like how you're re-vamping it, but without the part where Vince actually goes through the facility, the part where Bing and Friedmont talk about everything he'd been through in the six hours he was there seems a bit abrupt.
4/9/2010 c3 5RokitToMars
You have a gift for creepy. So amazing.

Love this story, can't wait for more.
4/4/2010 c3 2I Am The Masquerade
Sometimes I honestly wonder where you get your material from. It boggles the mind really. Great work.

7/13/2009 c2 I Am The Masquerade
I love this. No other way to put it. Please update soon.
6/18/2009 c2 23witheredxwaste
oh my word

i cannot get enough of this

i really cannot begin to describe it, nor explain it

but it's just amazing

i cannot wait for the 3rd chapter of Stretch, sir or ma'am.
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