Just In
for Save the Cheerleader

11/3/2010 c1 TasteYourSins
He is SO in love with her. :)

I loved it. :D
9/11/2010 c1 1Zoius and the Devil
arghargh way too cute. ah this pervades my jaded and cynical teenage exterior and pierces my fluffy girly core!
7/26/2010 c1 12schradez007
This was hysterical and sweet, and while I'm usually not a fan of much swearing, it fit Gavin perfectly. It takes a lot to make me 'aw' at a story, but I am now. Well done!
7/12/2010 c1 Bubbly Girl
Haha! :) This story was really amazing with its funny and sweet moments! I really like how you did this one-shot from Gavin's point of view! It was a refreashing change froma ll of the girl's points oif view! Great job! :)

Peace, Love and Happines! :)

~Bubbly Girl
6/25/2010 c1 almacubana
H! aAsoon as I read the story's title "save the cheerleader, I idiately thought of, "save the world" hehe. Very nice oneshot. I liked Gavin, made me think of Spinner, from the show Degrassi lol ^_^
5/28/2010 c1 Juliet
Hello, there. It's Juliet from A DRop of Romeo, and your story has been inducted into the One-Shot portion of the site. Here's your raving review:

It's a pretty amazing one-shot that makes you feel quite giddy when you finish it. Definitely makes you smile and fall in love with Gavin. Brilliantly written.


4/11/2010 c1 Alanisaur
Haha, super hard badass with the super goo prep cheerleader? What do you get? LoL!
2/11/2010 c1 Artume
Lol, nice one. 'Dammit.' Haha, loved that bit. NIce one-shot. Good work! :)
1/10/2010 c1 14Beautiful Destination
I lurve Gavin! He is such a cutie pie, despite his rather colorful vocabulary ;)
12/28/2009 c1 2elma
Hahaha! I love Gavin too! I love how it was all in his perspective and I know this sentence is too long -" Anyway, she’s cleaning up, and I’d fill like a douche if I didn’t help, so I’m picking up cups and plates and working my way around to the door, maybe I can make an inconspicuous escape, and she taps my shoulder and I turn and now she’s kissing me, if you can call it a kiss, it’s so short, and then it’s over and she’s blushing and she’s so fricking adorable, freckles and dimples (I’m a sucker for dimples) and this wavering, crooked smile that makes me realize she’s nervous as hell, and when I finally smile, totally against every instinct in my body, she beams and I am so screwed." But I LOVED IT! It's just so honest and I love how it ends. "I am so screwed."

It's typical bad boy and good girl but.. it works. It works and it is unique in its own special way :)
12/11/2009 c1 13morphine and lollipops
Awh. I love Gavin, too.
12/2/2009 c1 ghurl00
That fic made me smile.=) That was cute!:)
9/27/2009 c1 DELETE THIS ACCOUNT NOW 323402
holy shit i love this story :D

great job :D
9/25/2009 c1 1Pendal
He He I'm really starting to like one-shots. This is nice and cute.

7/10/2009 c1 1AsianFlipGurl
Crap, I couldn't stop smiling through the end :)
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