Just In
for Save the Cheerleader

12/2/2007 c1 5BeingMyself
Aha, that was cute because of Gavin's personality towards our little cheerleader. Thought it should have been called damnit though.
11/28/2007 c1 7gulistala
hahah! I liked this fic. Quite interesting actually. And cute too!

11/26/2007 c1 1Airily
Oh, I adore this. I actually laughed out loud, several times. Gavin's a sweetie :)
11/25/2007 c1 una11
like it, but would have liked it longer.lookig forward to reading the next part :)
11/20/2007 c1 the wicked monkey

this was effin AWESOME

i loved it


i'd say more but words alone cannot describe how ahmmazzinng this thing is.

it is absolutely adorable

the summary, on the other... it would do you good to change it to a summary, not what you think of it- do you get what I am saying, because I have a feeling I am not making any sense at all

otherwise AWESOME

- the wicked monkey
11/19/2007 c1 9Lily Llynn
LOLOLOLOLOL. Hilarious. Love Gavin's POV, it is simply too funny. (: This was cute too, and awesome writing, and I'm really glad somebody added it to the c2! (:
11/18/2007 c1 peanutneko
11/17/2007 c1 shellie
that was so unbelievably amazing! I loved it and *beg* that you write more stories about Gavin and Katie!
11/14/2007 c1 Chelsea
Oh my GOODNESS, Katy-Did, that was adorable~ It was so fluffy and cute and squee! X3 Gavin's adorable, and Katie's adorable, and they're adorable, and good gracious you're an excellent writer.

:D It would be amazing to see more about these two. n_n

*cuteness overload* *expires*
11/12/2007 c1 5Taella
Hi! Jeez, I really liked this story, sweet and cute and everything! :) I stuck on the name, hehe... I love Heroes so... :D well, I just wanted you to know that I liked it :)

11/12/2007 c1 Noie
This was SO CUTE! I really enjoyed this story, especially how Gavin just ranted on and on! I would love a couple of more one-shots following up their relationship! Great job; hope you get inspired again soon!
11/12/2007 c1 6Semicharmed love
aw. so cute! i love Gavin's rants and how he counts how many times he cusses "Dammit (That's twice now, I win)". It made me laugh. :D But yea this was just absolutely adorable! :]]
11/11/2007 c1 mochaddicted79
SO CUTE. I love his little rant about how he's going to take her to Schwarzenegger flicks and so on :)
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