Just In
for Core of a Trinity

2/12/2012 c7 Thisissodumbstop
This story was so sweet! Too bad it's not finished...i was hoping we were gonna find out what Tatyana was...for some reason i was thinking fairy, but that's just me.
2/3/2012 c7 tempesthorne99
Hello! The story is beautiful... really. It's just disappointing it's not finished...

The story was lovely...and entertaining even though I like more aggressive women (like your Huntress series).

I wish you would continue this. It was sweet :)
8/28/2010 c7 4aryagal
hey this is pretty great.

i really want to know what she is, since even the man who attacked her loved her blood and thought it was ancient.

maybe she has powers too, that would be awesome (:

hmm i wonder who she'll end up with though, out of the three men.

im thinking marius...but maybe michael since they shared a kiss as well?

im not sure, but i love the story plot line!

and the different languages and accents are lovely.
2/22/2010 c7 pille-ip
Interesting, interesting, do continue it, pretty please :)
6/24/2009 c7 Gutter
I like your story. It's really good. I really want to know what Tatyana is. And I absolutely love all of the guys. They're put together so well! I hope that you will update it!
6/20/2009 c7 hezsha2013
OMG...i love this one too...
3/17/2009 c7 2xXSaraphine-DominoXx
Please, PlEaSe, PLEASE UPDATE! I absolutely LOVE Tatyana and the guys! It's too good to not finish! Please update soon! ^^
9/20/2008 c7 1Beautiful Pixie
Please tell me that there is more! I love it.
7/31/2008 c7 1SimplyFae
yay! an update ^_^ still love this story, will read your works till i die (or till you stop writing lol)
7/1/2008 c6 2MamiPapi
Is Tatyana falling in love with all three men? I wonder what happens next? Pls update!
6/24/2008 c6 1SimplyFae
me likie! I wonder what everyone would look like in person... keep it up
6/24/2008 c5 SimplyFae
aw, so sweet... plz finish this story. for sasha's sake :)
6/24/2008 c4 SimplyFae
love the details ^_^ but, coming from you, i wouldn't expect anything less. onward we go!
6/24/2008 c3 SimplyFae
like the change of attitude in her. She goes from a trembling, cowering girl used to abuse, to a stronger, quick-thinking, helpful woman. onward we go!
6/24/2008 c2 SimplyFae
i remember this story... did you revise it some? Anyway, hope you finish it, i always wanted to know how it ended. Oh, you mispelled 'throne'.. you had thrown lol
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