Just In
for Supernova

8/1/2008 c1 6Princess Luna123
thanks for the adivice i'll take it and um it was just for fun at first then i wanted to put it on and see wat people thought of it.
7/9/2008 c1 60CigaretteBurn
This was so amazing and the imagery was spectacular!
2/6/2008 c1 102Midnight In Eden
I personally love writing pantoums, there's something fun about the repetition and the rhythm. You did stray from form with the last stanza though, since the first line of the poem is meant to be the last and your second line of the final stanza is meant to be "New complexions in autumn leaves".

I think the reason you pull it off is because you use such disconnected lines that can be easily layered on one another. Perhaps in another pantoum you could attempt linking words and give yourself more of a challenge. (one typo: pearles in the third stanza should be "pearls")

All that aside, I do like this piece and I think it's a solid attempt at a pantoum so kudos for that.


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