Just In
for Book of Innen

12/28/2007 c2 1MegaKiraraLover
randomness! you might not know it, but you're making a rootbeer float right now. yay!
12/28/2007 c1 MegaKiraraLover
uh...okahy...MEH BRAIN HURTS! ...if i have one...

12/27/2007 c5 laharvey125
Yay for the new chapter! Excited to see what happens next!
12/27/2007 c5 4Bri-Cathleen
goodie goldlocks

spelling mistakes,

but g...no awesome

12/13/2007 c3 laharvey125
I can't send a real message yet since I'm a new member. When I finish the drawings, where should I send them? Don't get your hopes up, I'm only average at best.
12/13/2007 c4 Bri-Cathleen

idk what to say
12/12/2007 c4 laharvey125
Just new to fictionpress and this is the first story I read. I like it, reminds me of my writing style. Your characters really stand out to me, so much so that I'm going to start a drawing of them, just for fun. If you're interested in seeing the outcome lemme know. I look forward to hearing more of Kira's story!
12/3/2007 c3 Bri-Cathleen

like i was ouside today

12/3/2007 c2 Bri-Cathleen

i dont know what to say

that rhymes

those are crimes

12/3/2007 c1 Bri-Cathleen
are you happy now


ur like a monkey on my back

12/3/2007 c3 1HereThereEveywhereButInMyMind
I'm glad to read any of your stories! I really like it, but it took me a second to realize it was set in Japan! :P Other then the occasional spelling eror it's good. I can tell you're improving with your writing. Keep it up!
11/27/2007 c1 5Herineca
wow, its really cool, but i do have one thing...and i hate saying this, but isnt it a bit like Death Note? you know, the book, death gods and the police in Death Note named the killer "Kira". i have no idea if the plot will be anything alike, but...again, i feel bad saying it. otherwise, i like the characters! they're cool. and i liked how the room got colder when she opened the book. that was cool ^.^
11/26/2007 c1 Eviline Forte
Nice written and simple... perfect enough for "manga" format (or should I say "light novel").

The story is interesting and the characters is really Asian's style. Some info also added some spices. However, you need more attention on the words because there are some wrong spelling.

I like this story but I expects more than this. The beginning of the story is kind of typical start and less funny moments. But don't give up writting this story!\o
11/26/2007 c1 7Andrea Roycee
Whoa, you might want to shorten your chapters down and make it into two or three. One for every thousand words maybe.
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