Just In
for Buttons and Charades

12/21/2008 c1 2Sophie Stone
For some reason, this really touches me and I can't put my finger on why...

I do, however, especially love this line: "She was fifty different lies, twenty-eight varying promises, eleven very similar regrets, but only one heart." It reminds me of the line from the book White Oleander about twenty-seven names for tears.
11/29/2007 c1 20hazyglow
Well, I'm very glad you've posted this 'postsecret' entry. Sure the last line is quite cliched but the rest of the piece makes up for it =)

I love your syntax ... especially the long flowing sentences. Veryy nice :)
11/29/2007 c1 24sincerely disregard
I'm glad you choose to post this. One thing because I'm a picker of the nit, stories is misspelled in the 4th to last paragraph, last sentence. But as it goes it is a turn for a turn and a secret for a secret:

Secrets come and secrets go

yet no one here does have to know

that this ones mine to share or keep

for the mask I wear is clean and neat,

sometimes I wish to cause others pain

to prove our tears are shed the same.

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