Just In
for Decision Time, Peanut

12/13/2017 c1 Penelope Applegate
For a one shot that you pulled out of your bum just because, I think it's pretty great. It got me tied up emotionally, and I couldn't wait to see how it ended.
11/9/2015 c1 annayh44
God forbid this suitation was something that no one wants to be,,,poor Davey I really do feel bad for him
4/9/2015 c1 IStillCan'tLogin
I couldn't find a reason to like this. I mean, I'm just not one for cheating and betrayal by infidelity.

I cringed every time I though of this girl and Mac together, and how Davey would react.

Dude got cheated on and dumped for his brother on his birthday.

That's just so wrong.
7/2/2014 c1 Guest
Okay, i really don't feel sorry for her.
She's sooo whorish! I can't believe she went between two brothers like that!
What a slut!
6/11/2014 c1 Caro
Incredibleeeeeeeeee, i absolutely loooooooooove Mac.
5/15/2014 c1 Guest
Whyy do people always feel the need to cheat first and then break up?
4/8/2014 c1 honestyfirst
I really like the writing and dialogue, but I hate cheaters so...
4/8/2014 c1 amessageinabottle
I'm not quite sure what to make of this story... Don't get me wrong I love your writing its just I don't like how Evie handled the whole situation... It was truly messed up. I'm not a fan of cheating stories and I think Evie should have broken up along time with her boyfriend (lol I can't remember his name) and the whole going after his brother - mac - was a bit too much... Even through they are cute togeather lol if the situation was different I'd like the story a lot more... But saying that I would love to read what happened next especially the parents reaction lol. I do like your story it's just the situation they got themselves into was super messed up.
4/6/2014 c1 XXHotSparklesXX
So adorable! Great writing loved it!
3/19/2014 c1 75AlysonSerenaStone
I really enjoyed reading this! I thought your characters were well written for a one shot. Plus, I like the idea of having her chose between brothers-I really didn't see that one coming. Anyway, great work as always!
12/15/2013 c1 2ilikedaisychains
AW. I thoroughly enjoyed this, you're an amazing author and you capture your character's emotions beautifully! :-)
11/29/2013 c1 Guest
This was fantastic! Loved it from start to end! That ending was brilliant and left me feeling fireworks :)
11/27/2013 c1 Guest
This was really, really fantastic, from start to end. Great job.
10/13/2013 c1 Midnight Phantomhive
That was...
How do I put it?
Amazing? Wonderful? I don't know.
All I know is, I stayed up last night just to finish your one shot. :')
I love every part of it. xD
Hope to read more stories from you in the future!
6/26/2013 c1 Lou
Hey Jessie

My god you're an awesome writer!

(Mac's a bit of an arse though, it was his brother he happily shafted). Now hurry up and finish the Do Gooder :-)
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