Just In
for To Cliché or Not To Cliché

3/9/2008 c12 10CassandraStacy
she's the one who sounds drunk.
3/9/2008 c11 CassandraStacy
This could turn dastardly . . .
3/9/2008 c10 CassandraStacy
short chapter. Way to raise reader's hopes only to go about crashing them to the ground.
3/9/2008 c9 CassandraStacy
oh la la . . . romance is in the air. (Obviously.)
3/9/2008 c10 1JadeGoddess
and the complications begin...this was a short chapter...hope the next one was longer...
3/9/2008 c10 23Hypa To Hell And Back
aww dont we just love cute thinking :)
3/9/2008 c9 Hypa To Hell And Back
aww its so cute i love it please keep going
3/5/2008 c8 Corrupted Lungs
OMG no! What does this mean for Murphy and Jared? Even though I know they don't really like each other, there's DEFINITELY something there, even now.
3/5/2008 c8 10CassandraStacy
A moment of silence for Heath . . .

Good chapter. I can't wait for an update. Why is it that Jared and Murphy don't sit together?

3/5/2008 c7 CassandraStacy
I love how she introduces herself to Ryan. It's very straightforward. By the way, why did she agree to do this bet anyway? I don't think that was really explained.
3/5/2008 c6 CassandraStacy
Random but funny first kiss. I love how she enjoys the kiss . . . realizes she's enjoying the kiss . . . and THEN breaks off because she's enjoying the kiss.

3/5/2008 c5 CassandraStacy
Aww . . . the wonders of TI. Who needs a cell phone when you've got calculators?

3/5/2008 c4 CassandraStacy
I have an older cousin who is like a sister/best friend. Except she's married and although she wouldn't care if I did drink, she probably would provide the alchohol.

Drunken puppy . . . what, exactly, does that pertain?

3/5/2008 c3 CassandraStacy
Okay, so this is really cute so far. It is also very well-written, as far as grammar goes, which is rare on this site. I liked the reaction of her friends when Jared talked to them in the previous chapter, and it was funny in this chapter when Murphy was like: 'Did I just smell him?'

Very entertaing!


P.S. I too, love Adam Brody as Seth Cohen. I have the first season on DVD, but I didn't like the third season all that much and wasn't able to watch the forth season . . . although I heard it got slightly better.
3/5/2008 c8 3pixxidust
nice. i like it. :)
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