Just In
for It's Christmas, Eve

5/22/2016 c1 Rebele
Awww! Love it!
6/5/2011 c1 10balloonfista
awwwwwwwwwwwwww :)

and then again...


2/25/2011 c1 Bubbly Girl
So cute! :)

Peace, Love and Happiness! :)

~Bubbly Girl
7/21/2010 c1 6Lieutenant Starshine
That was adorable. I just bit my lip and squee'd for real. Just so you know, I think you're awesome.
5/7/2010 c1 fariswheel
12/10/2008 c1 1PeterMoore
merry christmas! and this is a very cute story.
10/18/2008 c1 3RayaSlayer
aw...that was so adorable!
10/8/2008 c1 Briana
That was a really cute story. Makes me want to go work at Walgreens. I'll admit that I'm definitely not one of those people who holds on to Christmas, I'm usually the one trying to wrap up the tree and carry it to the garbage on the 26th. none the less I loved this story. Great job.
8/21/2008 c1 Hidden Flowers
*Sighs* So romantic.
8/17/2008 c1 SierralaineWalsh
It's so cute! Do write more stories.. Luff it! :)
8/15/2008 c1 Alexandra
Delayed, I know. but I enjoyed it.
8/7/2008 c1 luv me like no other
this is awfully cute. i like it.
8/3/2008 c1 11the ignorance of it all
Oh my. I absolutely LOVED this. It's August, and I'm still clinging. Haha. Great story and awesome writing. Just the perfect length, too. My only suggestion would be maybe a quick mention to their age?

Keep up the good work! =D
7/17/2008 c1 BookEnthusiast
Aw...it leaves me with warm fuzzy feelings! Anyway, don't feel so pathetic about being a hanger-on. After all, it's July and I'm sitting here reading this. :D

Excellent story. The plot didn't seem rushed (which is rare for a one-shot) and the character development was great!
4/29/2008 c1 Espionage In My Shoe
Aw! That was just about the cutest thing I have read in a long, long time! If ever I find myself in a similar situation, I am SO totally going to use that line about always wanting to be kissed in the snow. ;D Though, I doubt awesome lines from awesome online stories ever actually work in real life. -sad sigh- Curse you, Reality! -shakes fist at sky-

Shoe. ;)
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