Just In
for Clearly Meant to Be

12/26/2008 c1 27Alanna Lioness
Great story. I really liked it! Usually I'm not a big fan of reading one-shots, but this was really very nice. Definitely different. Short, but it's pefect that way. If you drew it out anymore it would have been a awkward. I would have liked to hear a little more about them as a couple though. Not too much, just a few more details, stuff like that.

The only real comment I have is that the writing seems a little choppy to me. It gets a little better as the story goes on, probably because it's meant to be read in short bursts, what with the one sentence paragraphs, but it's still noticable. Try switching up your structures a little. That'll make things flow nicely.

Again, great job!
8/20/2008 c1 18Chiclets
Aww, how sad! Good one-shot. :)
2/16/2008 c1 8Kirby Tails
Both of them could have been saved if not for this deadly lie; chilling.
1/5/2008 c1 6SilentSongs
That's so sad! I like how it is simple and easy to read, yet powerful. Good story.

1/5/2008 c1 a.mooch
Aww so sad...
1/5/2008 c1 Sanou Izumi
Quite sad this one-shot. But overall I loved the summary and the the content itself. Great job!

1/5/2008 c1 20Twilight Starr
It is so sad. Great story though. Nice title. Lovely work. Good luck with writing, this story, and life. Have a brilliant day.

~Twilight Starr~

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