Just In
for Our Summer

7/22/2012 c11 AnonymousReads
Auesome I feel like a psychic I dint even know you were writing this yay but I refuse to read this until you finish it. :)
9/8/2011 c10 Lily
Are you no longer updating this story?

What aboot Dean and Belle and their careers as editor and attorney inNew York?

Your love scenes are very good, really...
1/1/2011 c10 leavemeialone
AH . . . . I absolutely love this. I haven't read the first one to your story, but I love this. I absolutely love Haley and Conrad. Finally, they got together and everyone is happy. I just wanted to say that you did a good job. I really appreciate your lovely writing. :)
4/18/2010 c1 cosmopolitan
o wow, so sad i never saw this fic before. i do hope you wont give up on it, dear!
10/13/2009 c11 13Aaerie
but it was goin so well
10/5/2009 c11 LittleWolfPup
Great story hope you update soon! ;)
9/21/2009 c11 blahbookblah
Update please?(: You're one of my favorite authors on FP.
8/29/2009 c11 2ResurrectionAngel
Hi, I fell in love with The Thin Line! It was absolutely amazing. But what made it too difficult to finish Our Summer?
7/23/2009 c10 cookiewolf
its soo gwd please update soon =P
6/20/2009 c10 Kimberly Beckwith
Wow i love it i hope you will start writing this again very soon. I want to know what is going to happen. Well i hope i see updateds soon i really like this story and im am going to start reading The Thin Line soon i read One of the Boys and wow that was really good. Well i hope to read more of this!

6/4/2009 c10 Blue Bird Cry
July last year? It's almost been a year. :'(

Haley & Conrad are trapped!

Please update soon! :D
5/20/2009 c1 Lily
Where are you?

I miss you, and Dalton, and Charlie! AND both of them making out! ANd you can't stop there and don't show up after more then a mouth!

nha, T.T

I miss all this.
4/19/2009 c10 romancekrazzy
This story is really good a lot like 'our room' but i think that's okay. It has been a while since you updated please update soon or did you abandon it?
4/11/2009 c10 Anne
Start updating again please. I love this story
4/10/2009 c1 clairey
Love this story so far..update soon. Your a great writer..4 of your stories are on my fave list! :D
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