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for The New Year

11/19/2013 c5 daisukiklove
Realllllly good story so far so I'm taking a hunch and (this might not be right but I am one for inferring) the photos of her massless before the ball leads to the find out?
10/7/2013 c17 JeansKindaGirl
9/7/2013 c17 Chrissy
Awesome! I love it 3
8/26/2013 c11 xxconverse-xx-queenxx
Your a very talented author and your writing style as well as your story are both very enjoyable to read. I love your story!
7/31/2013 c17 6infinitelylydia
I'm so ready to read the next chapter, I really hope you haven't given up on this story because I'm absolutely in love with it!
7/18/2013 c17 2BurstofPassion
COME ON! Best cliffhanger ever, but you can't leave us hanging! Pleeeeaase finish this story!
7/1/2013 c17 7feminista
This story is so amazing and you left us at the perfect cliffhanger. When are you going to update?! I hope its soon!
6/29/2013 c17 brinalovesyouxx
Omg nooooo. You NEED to finish this soon! Like, seriously... Im gonna habe a heart attack if this is discontinued or something and i know its been 3 years since you've updated but im pretty anyone else who has read this recently is thinking the same thing... So please update soon! :D xx
6/28/2013 c1 Choukou
I love love love this story and wish desperately for you to continue it, but alas, I know you are working hard at becoming a lawyer or working hard as one. I don't suppose you'll pity your fanatical readers enough to post?
6/25/2013 c17 1trudiieex3
I love this story so far! But I just found it today and read all the chapters and now I am so sad that I didn't notice it wasn't complete! Any chance you'll ever come back and finish it?
6/7/2013 c17 1leavesfallingup
At the risk of writing what a hundred other reviewers have already written, I hope that you will pick this story back up some time in the future. It was a great read, though it leaves us all hanging.
6/7/2013 c1 leavesfallingup
He is a coward. She might be a bit domineering, based upon the impression I get from this chapter (it is hard to make that determination based upon the circumstances), but what he did was inexcusable... made worse by his complete insensivity to her feelings when he expected her to keep working at the restaurant.
4/1/2013 c17 Guest
I recently found your story and loved it! Your doing a really great job with it. Keep it up
2/4/2013 c17 Best Name Ever
I love this story and want to read more so hope you would update soon...well one day :P
1/22/2013 c3 4E. B. Tanya
AMG, I love this chapter..
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