3/9/2008 c23 sydney
well thats semi sorted
but wohoo michelle might be prego
i fell kinda nasty wishin the boy aint carters kid but i still wish it
well thats semi sorted
but wohoo michelle might be prego
i fell kinda nasty wishin the boy aint carters kid but i still wish it
3/8/2008 c22 Hazelnut Romance
new reader. nice story u have. i feel sorry for gracie though. i didn't believe carter would do something like this. does he REALLY love gracie? i hope this ends with a happy ending. *sigh* how often do u update?
new reader. nice story u have. i feel sorry for gracie though. i didn't believe carter would do something like this. does he REALLY love gracie? i hope this ends with a happy ending. *sigh* how often do u update?
3/8/2008 c22 ayoo marie
I spent all day reading this story.
I love it!
gr, why would carter cheat on her?
I can not wait to find out what happens next.
I spent all day reading this story.
I love it!
gr, why would carter cheat on her?
I can not wait to find out what happens next.
3/6/2008 c22 loveislove
is carter gone
like will they break up
cuz if they do
i will be very sad
like omg how could the writer do this sad
is carter gone
like will they break up
cuz if they do
i will be very sad
like omg how could the writer do this sad
3/5/2008 c22
10under the bed
Oh, it'd be hard to explain to a kid what had happened in that situation.

Oh, it'd be hard to explain to a kid what had happened in that situation.
3/5/2008 c22 Deenu12
wow that was unexpected. i never thought that he would actually cheat one her. this was a very good chapter, update soon
wow that was unexpected. i never thought that he would actually cheat one her. this was a very good chapter, update soon
3/5/2008 c22
I like the story.
The only thing I was just like 0_0 about was, if he cheated on her a year ago, how could the other girl THINK she was pregnant?
Wouldn't she aleady have delivered the baby or something?
Oh and check your grammar and stuff.
Update soon.
See ya.

I like the story.
The only thing I was just like 0_0 about was, if he cheated on her a year ago, how could the other girl THINK she was pregnant?
Wouldn't she aleady have delivered the baby or something?
Oh and check your grammar and stuff.
Update soon.
See ya.
3/5/2008 c22
4Nicole Deming
Well that really sux.. I hope they work it out because I dont wanna see Mia without a dad. Its so hard for children to go through that.

Well that really sux.. I hope they work it out because I dont wanna see Mia without a dad. Its so hard for children to go through that.
3/5/2008 c22 JZK
oh my gawd
i got a feeling something like this would happen
what an idiot
he should have told her straight away
anyway great chapter though
Hope they make up
aiden is so sweet
so is michelle and gavin
I would love friends like them
oh my gawd
i got a feeling something like this would happen
what an idiot
he should have told her straight away
anyway great chapter though
Hope they make up
aiden is so sweet
so is michelle and gavin
I would love friends like them
3/4/2008 c22
He really need to start stop drinking or start carrying a box of condoms with him. LOL. Drink and sex and Carter just don't mix well it leads to babies. lol. I love it keep up the great writing and please post more when you can.

He really need to start stop drinking or start carrying a box of condoms with him. LOL. Drink and sex and Carter just don't mix well it leads to babies. lol. I love it keep up the great writing and please post more when you can.
3/4/2008 c22
9Manga Girl Lover
o what a jerk! how could carter do that to her! gr he makes me angry! but good story! lol btw... smelt = smelled :P hope you post more soon!

o what a jerk! how could carter do that to her! gr he makes me angry! but good story! lol btw... smelt = smelled :P hope you post more soon!