Just In
for It All Started With A Crash

5/22/2008 c30 12hellosunshinee
ha i love the ending

nice work
5/21/2008 c30 8duckliy543

gorgouse ending

just how the story started too!


great job!

brava brava

im gong to miss this story
5/21/2008 c8 Annie
Her mother is a nurse and she doesn't know about Plan B? Come on.
5/21/2008 c30 4Mary Chrys
Very nice ending with Mia's car crash. I like it a lot.
5/21/2008 c30 9CountryGal17
OMG I can't believe its over. so cute i love it! great job! keep up the writing!
5/21/2008 c29 bittersweethero
whoops too late for that. :(
5/21/2008 c30 bittersweethero
...i think im just gonna come out straight.

i never liked this story. it's not organized much, and it was... boring.

i don't know why i kept reading it, though. maybe it was because i wanted to see if you improved in your writing.

be mad at me... i don't really care.

just a thought.
5/21/2008 c30 Hazelnut Romance
hmm... i wonder were that ending came from... sounds familiar... lol. nice ending and finish!
5/21/2008 c30 michelle
loved your story! good ending
5/21/2008 c30 michelleD
great ending, so adorable! haha! loved it:D
5/21/2008 c30 ImOddSoWut
Ha ha,

I was laughing at the end of the last post.

Was that the end?
5/21/2008 c30 2RomanceDruggie
Mwhahaha! you're so evice![evil,and nice] "Here we go again..."I just hope she doesn't have such a dramatic life like her momma.Poor woman..-shakes head-
5/21/2008 c30 WriterGurl123
It's like the circle of life!
5/21/2008 c30 7Ayla Gray
holy crapsicle you cant end it now this storyy is soo good! right moree! what happens with mia and the jerk? right another story!
5/21/2008 c30 1Crazy colorz
does this mean that its the end of the story? if it is it was great good luck on your other stories!
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