Just In
for Stars

8/19/2008 c1 588Setsuna529
Very hopeful and encouraging.
2/17/2008 c1 216ygg
Wow this is really good for a first Haiku! I feel there's a lot more to it than meets the eye, a lot more symbolism between the lines, about nature (obviously), human relationships (quality prevails over quantity), spiritual growth (it comes from within, not from physical features),.. Wow I'm going to add this to my favs! Excellent work!
1/31/2008 c1 half-sketched.staccatos
konnichi wa

This was beautiful. Stunning. [+ favorite] It was so beautiful - so poetic. Can I add this to my quote book? I'll give you credit for it, of course of course of course. Wow. I can't get over how beautiful this one is.

Ha det

1/19/2008 c1 6Flore Verde
wow...I like this a lot. it's kind of a goos way to live, make what you want of yourself.

nice work
1/17/2008 c1 22RavenclawMoose
I really liked this haiku. It's short and sweet and deep, in a way that most things are not.

1/17/2008 c1 612simpleplan13
thats really sweet and cute.. nicely done
1/17/2008 c1 115Random-Idiocity
Lovely first haiku. I like the last line a lot. Keep it Up!

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