Just In
for I love you

9/26/2008 c1 140Chidaruma Kamisori
This is perfect. This a haiku to get married to.

8/19/2008 c1 588Setsuna529
That is *true* love. A beautiful haiku.
3/17/2008 c1 flies.like.decay
Beautiful.. You've captured the essence of true love ^_^
2/26/2008 c1 5Matsuke
Nicely written ^_^

I enjoy all your haiku. Personally, I find them difficult to write, so you have kudos for that.
2/23/2008 c1 612simpleplan13
I like this.. it's short and sweet and wonderfully done

PS If you're bored today check out the review game's review marathon... there's a link in my profile
2/12/2008 c1 322Basara
sweet... the enduring love of which most people tend to break loose at harsh times...

2/8/2008 c1 16right2reality
That's what real love is to me. Beautiful. Anyways, keep up the good work!

2/8/2008 c1 216ygg
True love.. Nice work!

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