Just In
for The Night That Would Not End

9/17/2008 c1 45sarasoldaccount
hey! I liked this poem, it was simple, but effective. I don't like rhyming much, but *shrug*.

saara x
8/29/2008 c1 64Landcaster
Simple, swift, but eloquent. You may not think that you're a "poet", but I'd say that you're a writer definitely. I liked this, and keep up the good work.
8/8/2008 c1 195t-t-t-ouch
You had some brilliant rhyme schemes going on and I really,

really like this. Bravo.
7/19/2008 c1 13dooley creel
Hi, Just wanted to thank you for your positive comments on Twilight Deepening. Your pen name, Ainu, does it refer to the former native inhabitants of northern Japan?

take care and keep writing,

4/21/2008 c1 74estrela
psha "your not a poet" - that's silly! i liked this very much, it had a nice beat to it, and captured emotion.

:3 thank you for the comment on my poem "sharks"! i was nervous about submitting that way back when, because i remembered fearing people would think a poem about sharks would be silly... :) keep on writing!

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