Just In
for The Harp

5/27/2008 c1 13Dawnella
Very interesting piece. Apart from the overt faith and hope message, I also felt that it was almost dark. For some reason, the last scene reminded me of death or hallucination. Now, please forgive me if I’m interpreting it completely wrong (teachers have oft commented that I overanalyze), but I felt it could have been either that he did find the harp and all was well, or he died from lack of sustenance and experienced a final hallucination. Dark, I know; I’m sorry.

Either way, it’s well written, and I appreciate how you didn’t use contractions as part of their speaking style. Nice touch. =)
2/14/2008 c1 25the face in the window
This is really good! I love it.

Sorry it took so long for me to review. I came down with the black plague (okay, not really, but it felt like it).

2/13/2008 c1 1coltsrule
aww that was cute you should make an entire story like this. maybe you have i havent seen your author page yet. check out my story if u have time tell me what you think. love to read more of your work. keep up the good work.

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