Just In
for Cupids Candy Messages

10/8/2016 c1 annayh44
Lucky girl~~~ hehehe
3/30/2014 c1 1brewings
Soooo cheeky and sweet...love it
12/18/2013 c1 73AlysonSerenaStone
I thought this was really cute and sweet! It is the prefect Valentine's Day story!
9/8/2013 c1 1APassionForReadingAndWriting
Nice story! :)
12/7/2012 c1 Demon Chic 101
Wow! This was good. there wasn't much of a background but I liked it. I can so relate to ava about the brown thing. Although I've a bit of a jiggle on my tummy and thighs. anyway liked it keep it up sweetie you just gained a fan
9/25/2012 c1 heal me forever
awesum ..its CUTE
5/26/2012 c1 46SwimmingThroughExistance
aww! i liked it just as much as ain't no princess. very cute!
5/10/2012 c1 littlemisspatsy
I love your one shot! :""" It reminded me of my Valentine's Day this year. =))) I was having an Ava day and then out of the blue... surprise surprise. :""""" :))) Love your story! :D
11/15/2011 c1 10devilishd
8/31/2011 c1 lalaboom
2 words: CUTE and ADORABLE! Made me smile :) I'll add this to my community.
8/3/2011 c1 6LaughsWithTears
LOOOOVE it! Its really cute!
11/14/2010 c1 Princess Mariana
I love it!

I now REALLY want a boyfriend!
9/23/2010 c1 Gracelin
Loved the candy hearts. Really great
8/25/2010 c1 1x Farii
Cuute! Omg, adorable! (:
10/9/2009 c1 6Bleucrystale05
SO cute..XD ava's so cynical about valentines..XD
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