Just In
for Stuck Between Pressed Pages Of A Scrapbook

3/31/2009 c13 10zomgnessa
I want to punch that Kelsey in the face.

She sounds like those obsessive girls at my school that are all pissed if you even look at their boyfriend. But also a mixture of those that are just friends with someone that they really like and they think that the person actually likes them and wants their bod because they aknowladge[sp?] their existance.

Yeah, I dont like Kelsey. And I'm glad you finally introduced Casey. She was kinda just a mentioned name there for awhile. She needs some more fleshing out though. Maybe include her in one of your upcoming chapters.

Upate as soon as possible please. If I don't have nice updates to read then the only thing I have to do is my homework.
3/31/2009 c13 xSadistxFujix
Oh my Jasper, POOR GAREN! Thats sad. Gosh, I fucking HATE Kelsey. Why are girls named Kelsey (that I've heard of) always bitches. Gosh, great chapter though!
3/31/2009 c13 6CrimsonLilly
Poor Garen...You've really made quite an emo/angsty couple here,haven't you? I loved the new chapter and can't wait for the next one. Now I can't decide whose POV I like better! They're both so deliciously confused and scared..heh heh...And I'm still waiting for that Derek bloke to make a longer appearance! Argh! Anyway...Have fun during the holiday ^.^
3/31/2009 c13 aripie
oh my god! *cries openly*
3/31/2009 c13 MAGICAL.NARRATOR
this story deserves way more than a hundred reviews.lol

...but your on your way.

you would be crazy to stop this story... Im glad you won't.

try to update soon. = ]
3/31/2009 c13 kepteinen
I still feel worse for Cadyn than for Garen. Dunno why, but something inside me just screams "GAREN'S A DICKHEAD, ALWAYS SUPPORT CADYN YOU SILLY BITCH!". Hope they figure out things soon.
3/31/2009 c13 1Izzey
Cadyn and Garen are holding back, but one day they're going to crack, and I absolutely cannot wait for that day. As always a fantastic chapter, and I can't wait for the next one!
3/25/2009 c12 InvaderFae
I am so happy you finally updated! I'm sad Cadyn goes through so much *sigh* YAY UPDATE!
3/24/2009 c12 2Rae Simmons
Strap in. This will be a long one.

Your writing style is a little disjointed, but it's still got an amazing fluidity to it. It's just so... encompassing. It totally sucks you in, and you don't rush things. They actually feel like they're happening in real time. I'm so jealous of that fact, but you know I totally love you.

I may be a horrible person but for some reason I just adore twincest. That's why I love this story so much. Usually I can only get my fix in shojos and even then it's not always real (Ouran) but this is, and it's just got so much more to offer.

I kinda love how Garen is all descriptive and poetic while Cadyn is much more to the point, how they're both such complex and 3D characters, how they react in the stupid ways that everyone does, how they're so organic, so natural. It's amazing. A+ for character development, again, so jealous. They are bot idiots but I can totally understand so thank you for that.

I love your voice it's just so enchanting, I can't leave the stories alone, so this is extra long and special to make up for the fact that I've only left you one other review cause to tell the truth I was reading your other story first, the one with Skye. Yeah. Love her. I totally am like her in a couple ways even though she hasn't even been properly introduced. Man, all your characters are just so much fun. I wish I could hang out with them. Ah well, I do have one friend... sorta like them... very bizarre one she is. She told me today she wanted to get a strap-on and wear it around saying that she was technically wearing clothes... Yeah, I love her too. She's amazing fun. Like the sister I never had. Ah...

Anyways, sort of getting off track what I was going to say in the beginning but decided to save for a bit was this:

Oh my god! OH MY GOD! OHMYGOD! GAREN! YOU * * *! HOW COULD YOU! You idiot! Are you TRYING to * kill the poor boy! * *! AH! You are INFURIATING! Come here so I can smack some sense into you you MORON 'cause apparently JANET isn't doing it properly! UGH! BOYS!

Followed by of course:

Oh my god! Aw! (T.T) P-p-poor... poor Cadyn. Oh my god! I'm so sorry you had to see that. Aw... I will totally go throw that slut off the roof for you... Hey. I'd even push Garen down a flight of stairs if you want? Aw... Poor baby, it'll be okay. Don't worry. (I hope.) Aw...

Yes I am the type of fan-girl from whom guys hide in bathrooms and closets to get away from. Luckily that's not a problem at my school though! The only cute guys are exchange students and most are already hooked up. -Sigh- Wow. Way off topic again, sorry. It's just that your amazing-ness reminds me of my real life which is total proof that your stories and your writing are totally realistic which is a good thing because it allows people like me to connect and totally fan-girl. Oh yes. I am now your fan girl, because I love you and you are amazing and that first scene where they're little kids kissing totally made my day and I will accept it as a late Valentines present because it's the best I've ever got even if it is more than a month late and not actually for me. Even then.

So about me being your newest fan-girl, 'cause a girl like me can't believe you don't already have fans, just so you know, when you post the next chapter for this story I WILL squeal, and it will be loud, sharp, and piercing, and people WILL yell at me. Of course I won't care, I'll just jump around in a little circle doing that squid-type wiggly dance you sometimes see in animes. Yes. That one. Do you feel special yet? Well you should. I am totally sending internet huggles and chocolates through the screen at you. Enjoy. (lol)

Looking back right now I have totally said "totally", and variations of the word WAY to much, but I just can't think of a better way to say express how completely affected and taken in by your writing I am! I mean, I've just spend more than half an hour trying to express how amazingly exited I am for the next chapter. It's worse than the time I drank a Red Bull and a Coke and then I was practically screaming with laughter. Now I am actually NOT COLD, even though the room is freezing because I'm so flushed. Oh, oh! I just thought of something, personally I think it's hilarious, but "I'm twitterpated, and it's because of this story!"

So please. I'm begging you. Update fast.

Lots of Love!
3/23/2009 c12 1Desaki Akan
Who's an amazing writer? You are! I was super excited when I got the email alert that you posted another chapter- I'd thought you died! I'm glad Cadyn made Kelsey go away...seriously, if I had to listen to those nicknames, I'm pretty sure I'd kill myslef...-_- I was sad that Garen was not in this chapter too much, but it was condusive to the story line so I can't complain too much. =] I'm sorry your school is being mean, but if it helps any, I don't think your writing has suffered in a negative way.
3/23/2009 c12 MAGICAL.NARRATOR
if your writing is fragmented and disjointed... i didn't notice.

As always I love this story...and as always I want to just shove the two of them together by force!

It's funny how you said the thing about your school topping everything off with pure torture... my school's been the EXACT same way for some reason.

Its a conspiracy.

Please update soon = ]
3/23/2009 c12 1Izzey
aw, poor Cadyn. awesome chapter! can't wait for the next one!
3/22/2009 c12 aripie
ugh stop torturing us already! lol awesome awesome chapter :)
3/22/2009 c12 6CrimsonLilly
Fragmented? Disjointed? I don't know about that, but it does feel like its slowly reaching the peak of their emotions where all could come to a sort of a happy ending or go to hell. It feels quite exciting and makes me eager to see where all of this will go; how will the two of them cope with all of this. It doesn't feel different from the other previous chapters in the style of writing, just in intensity I think. If that makes any sense o.O Good job and welcome back to the world of living :p Joking, joking ;)
3/22/2009 c12 10zomgnessa
Aw poor Cadyn.

Stupid Garen.

I've come to realise that Cadyn is pretty much my favorite character in this story. =D

Update ASAP... Please...
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