Just In
for So Cliche

6/19/2009 c1 kristin.elise
Um... What happened to jason's best friend?
3/21/2008 c1 6Rajiya
Aw, cute.

You could probably do wonders with this if you do end up expanding it into a full story. Go into more detail about their relationship and such. Whatever you chose to do, I'm sure it will turn out wonderful!

I'll keep my eye out for it!
3/18/2008 c2 arix
Please continue it! It's such a sweet story.
3/17/2008 c2 LondonLi
I liked it either way. It was a very cute one-shot, but I think it has a lot of potential.
3/17/2008 c2 milly
definatly continue i loved it !

u rock keep writing :) x
3/15/2008 c1 18found.eventually
HAHA. Wait a minute, wait a minute. What happened to Matt again? Or he already knew the plan? But aw. That's so sweet! i was smiling uhm, you know, once the happy part started. :)
3/15/2008 c1 4Lady Macbeth's Murderer
heehee... very good!

3/15/2008 c1 3dontneedyou
I really like it. It's cute. :)
3/15/2008 c1 5Cresent Moon Vampire
Aww...too cute!

It would've been mean if I didn't review. So here it is...

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