Just In
for The Cookie Chronicles:The Life of a Cookie

8/8/2008 c1 8Rayder99
Now I'm going to eat a cookie. That was Funny keep it.

Legodude (:
5/30/2008 c1 8Beluga1
i really like this, i'll never eat another cookie:)
5/9/2008 c1 dinodaw
why did you have to make it so SAD? At first i liked it but then sniff it got so sad sniff Why? sniff why?

3/18/2008 c1 1Demon Tales
Intresting story. It began as a humorous tale, but quickly became a tragedy. I would have liked a continuation, but there would truely be no point. It's a good story, none the less!

Peace ~Demon Tales
3/17/2008 c1 R.J.Warren
Hmm, a new outlook on life definately (i can't spell). Kinda sad though, but the first two paragraphs made me laugh
3/17/2008 c1 8R.E.D. the animator
The first two paragraphs were funny, but the later ones (and epeacialy the last one) were sad. Now I'm all sad. It feels like a part of my soul is now deader. (Yes I am so sad that I'm using improper English!) Nice going! Now my day is ruined!

Just kidding! But still... sad.
3/16/2008 c1 2Double AA
And this is why cookies actualy don't have souls. There is no point! You made the story longer than when I first read it, I suppose that's a bonus. Is this the end? Or will there be more?

Keep Writing!

Double A
3/15/2008 c1 71Bob Evans
What I want to know is why the teeth didn't kill it immediately. And, if not them, then why not the stomach? I'm a little disturbed thinking that my cookies are still alive when I got to the bathroom to do my business. Ew!

~Bob Evans
3/15/2008 c1 Bazooka Joy
This made me extremely hungry.
3/15/2008 c1 59Tranquil Thorns
Wow! That ancient two-day-old cookie sure can endure a lot.

But of course, being a cookie is a lot better than being a blueberry muffin (what a nightmare!) Hehe. This story made me giggle, needless to say.

Thanks for that!
3/15/2008 c1 6Ms. Critic
My first story! It's exciting, but kind of sad the only thought that came to me was a living cookie.
3/15/2008 c1 The.Wizard.Pen.Dragon
A cookie with a soul? That is an interesting concept. I liked it, but can tell you can do better. (I know that's hard to here, but if you re-worked this story a little I KNOW is would be awesome!)

Write on!


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