Just In
for breathe me anew

5/8/2012 c1 pulses can drive from here
Simply, astonishingly beautiful.
4/23/2009 c1 145young and the reckless
oh my, very macabre in an almost...refreshing? kind of way. i love the style of the short vignettes. wonderful.
3/25/2008 c1 10channel-violet
you are right, they are nuts.

that's what makes this beautiful and the burning fields, kinda creepy.

3/23/2008 c1 she smolders
I like how this piece is short and ends a little vaguely since that makes me wish it was longer but at the same time it ends just at the right place. The line about the fields burning seems to resound inside me the most for some reason. Take care.

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