Just In
for The Epitome of Normalcy

5/23/2012 c4 twibbit
Update soon :)
12/21/2011 c4 semiprecious
Obviously you aren't writing this anymore but I would just like to say that this was the beginning of an amazing story and I would have loved to see how it went on
7/27/2008 c4 3bad.karma44

I love entertaining writing!
7/15/2008 c4 Caitypooh
Oh I really like this one. I love the chatting amoungst everyone and I think that the idea about switching the labs is brilliant. Please add more soon!
7/15/2008 c4 MarieUnderSeige
I really like your story, though its a bit random at times.Also, what is BA?
6/10/2008 c3 16Enigmatic Night
Hey Hey! I got sick of waiting for an update of Emails, and by chance went on to your profile for a squizz and found THIS!

Livvy is awesome, she cracked me up so much.

Her antics were brill, and the fact that she has a somewhat split personality drew me in.

Honestly, hope you update sometime soon. Haha, I fully put off studying to read this and was so disappointed when I came to an end in chapters. Haha

Okay, I better get back to studying. :( haha...
5/25/2008 c3 Rachelle
so...how about them there updates?
5/2/2008 c3 4marikamaroca
awsomely interesting

good job!

keep up the steller work lov!
4/24/2008 c3 7Euphorialie
Aw, adorable! Good idea, rewriting the last chapter from his POV. Once again, amazing; in the writing, the idea, the development, just everything. There isn't really much else to say because there don't seem to be any mistakes...so basically you win at life. Go you. :)
4/24/2008 c2 Euphorialie
Hehe, that was great. I'm still laughing, if you couldn't tell. Gorgeous is absolutely amazing, what with his witty responses and all and Livvy was hilarious too. You're dialogue is perfect, if I may say so, which I love to find in FP stories cause it's sort of hard to get it right. So I'll definitely be reading more. Onward!
4/24/2008 c1 Euphorialie
Oh my god, this was absolutely amazing! Olivia is freakin hilarious and makes even the beginning where she's just thinking interesting. Her change is awesome, very unique, and the whole idea of the story is creative. Plus mysterious Gorgeous sounds very promising, so I can't wait for more of this. I commend you on this wonderful first chapter, it's amazing writing, and continue on! :)
4/24/2008 c3 little purple dinosaur
From the previous chapter, I never would've thought that Gorgeous was nervous when meeting Livvy. It was pretty interesting to see a chapter posted from his point of view.

I hope you reveal his name soon; I really want to know.

Update soon! :)
4/23/2008 c3 MarieUnderSeige
That was great, I really look forward to reading more.
4/22/2008 c1 Caitypooh
I loved it but I told you that the first time I read it. I just had to re-read it to make sure I didn't miss anything before I read the next chapter. Love ya!
4/7/2008 c2 Rachelle
yay! good job, even if it was a lil too short por moi. Update,s'il vous plait, por moi.
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