Just In
for Take Two

5/15/2009 c1 1MademoiselleS
Oops I guess the story does continue so um...just ignore my other comment on the other story...(well don't I feel silly lol)
3/1/2009 c2 2daydee
story's coming along nicely!
11/8/2008 c4 8WithoutException
I read this because I'd read Snippets awhile ago, and was sad you hadn't updated (hint, hint), and I think it provides some interesting background on the characters, and it was funny. I really liked the chemistry-geek KT, though.

Keep writing! :)
6/26/2008 c4 7Faithfully Yours
Aww, poor KT. Update soon?
6/26/2008 c2 Faithfully Yours
Haha, so KT is about as socially awkward as me! =) I enjoyed that bit of conversation, it made her seem more real somehow. Nice job. =)
6/1/2008 c4 aicha
Aww, I think this was a really good chapter. I think you have the family dynamics and tensions here done really well. I especially like her relationship with her mum. I really like your writing style. I totally understand KT's thought processes and even though she is coming across as slightly self absorbed (is she meant to?) she is still likeable because after all she is 16.

Yeah, I can see why you are leaving her brother's death out - it would be too much angst. I also understand about introducing a character just once and then not mentioning them again. I think the problem with Snippets was that characters were introduced in clumps and then they became confusing and hard to differentiate. Also, a character would be mentioned in an off hand way and then introduced again and I would think 'Hang on, have we met her before or not?' With Rebecca Franklin I would say that if she is not brought back it would not be an issue but if she is then that might be confusing. I hope I am making sense here.

I skimmed through Snippets a while back and I also realised that a lot of the characters had the same descriptions when KT described them. For example, a girl was always really pretty and smart but totally nice. I think this also adds to the confusion. Perhaps the characters could be more diverse.

Anyway, yeah, I really liked this chapter because I really sympathised with KT. Update soon!
5/21/2008 c4 A Reader Peep
Poor KT. That Michael guy is obnoxious.
4/30/2008 c3 aicha
It is so great to be reading about KT again. I really liked Snippets and can't wait for it to come back but reading about her high school years is interesting too. KT is such a loveable, quirky character and I am liking all her interactions with David. I can't help but smile when I think how everything changes in Snippets.

I can't remember Snippets all that well but doesn't one of KT's brothers die? I think that might actually have been a one shot you wrote. Will that be addressed? And I am glad that the cast of characters is smaller this time around...it was very confusing in Snippets!

Anyway, I hope you update this soon as I can't wait to read more!
4/26/2008 c3 A Reader Peep
Good luck. xD
4/14/2008 c2 1DuchessYappingDog
Is this the same Jeremy who becomes her future boyfriend and future ex-boyfriend?
4/14/2008 c2 12DiamondEyedDog
I really like the way you've written this main character. And shake-pear, very cute. I look forward to more!
4/13/2008 c1 misery sister
[We’re so mismatched that I bet even God is laughing at us.]

That line made my day.

Ahh, the terrors of dance class. We're taking dancing for PE this term, and well, most of time us girls are hoping we have a cute guy in our class as our dance partner!
4/5/2008 c1 A Reader Peep
EH! (that is e, not eh, for clarification =])

Yay! Something new!

Ahem. Now that I've regained my composure, I would just like to say that I am so glad you put something up, and I like this story because it sheds some light on KT's family, and KT herself. You have this uncanny knack for knowing just how the characters, or people in general, act or what they think in certain situations. Which makes for very excellent characters.

I'm very curious now about how KT ends up at AVIT, because she sounds so uninterested here.

I hope you put more up soon! (Wooh. Look at me. Totally subtle and non-pushy. Sorry about that. Hehe.)
4/4/2008 c1 CherishedSong
More, please. It was a nice read, and KT is one of those characters I'd love to hang out with if she was real. ;)
4/3/2008 c1 Sable Snake
Good story! Very realistic with the late thing (believe me, I should know). But why is it called Take Two? Oh, and I thought that part with the two guys beating eachother up in slow motion was hilarious.

~Sable Snake
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