Just In
for Making Him Believe

3/29/2017 c22 Lisa
Your story is so amazing :)
Do you still update?
6/24/2016 c22 kgquinn
I know it has been a while, but I still want to know what happens with this story. I understand if you do not want to finish the rewrite after all this time, so maybe you could post the old version? I just would really like t know what happens
5/15/2016 c1 Guest
Would love to read more hope you get back to it
3/2/2016 c22 1Du
Aw. I know it's been ages, but. Please, could you continue? This was so sweet, and I just want to bash David's head in a bit. But please...
I hope all is well. Whether you update or not, best wishes :)
1/5/2015 c22 augmentedDREAMS
Past or no past. I still don't like Darlene. :v

But I'll tel you what I like. No, I'll tell you what I love: THIS STORY! C'mon! I'm dying here. Please come back. D:
7/11/2014 c22 Em
Please update! Wonderful story so far! Hoping to see more action between David and Megan to come ;)
6/18/2014 c1 E
Interesting story idea! I'm excited to read more.
5/12/2014 c22 5Lconway6
Is this story over? If it is I think you should consider continuing it!
4/19/2014 c22 xHopeForNowx
oh my god, I am so sad !
I was really enjoying this story and then I come to the end of this chapter to see no more after it ! And then I notice it hasn't been updated for over a year. Can I just go to a corner and cry now? lol

But for the 21 chapters that there are, this story is amazing and I wish there was more to it.
Hope you update again.

11/17/2013 c1 Guest
I read this story a longggg time ago, and recently came across it again. I love this story, but it hasn't been updated in a while...I hope that you update soon because this story is too good not to finish! :) please please update
9/3/2013 c22 CZgallagher
I started reading this yesterday, and I just couldn't stop. You're an amazing writer and I cannot wait to read your next chapter!
8/23/2013 c22 Guest
So I've reread this like three times and well I really need more of it so yeah... Please? It's really amazing and I'm absolutely madly in live with the characters! Keep up the amazing work and I really can't wait for more!
5/5/2013 c22 Guest
Great chapter! I like the details about Sarah you added in the rewrite, definitely adds some extra dimension to the family, especially in understanding Darlene. Can't wait to see the next chapter.
4/25/2013 c22 Guest
Yay! New chapter, seeing that you had updated just completely made my day and it was a wonderful chapter! I've been following your story for over 3 years now! So happy you're back! :)
3/31/2013 c22 becca7193
just read through the whole story really loved the characters!
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