Just In
for Making Him Believe

12/9/2010 c16 megara1218
Its gone already, but just so you know i was ready to leave her a nasty message. thts just sick to take someone else's creativity and claim it as your own. just as bad as stealing an identity, same thing really.

people disapoint eachother all the time, its our job to learn to move past it.
12/9/2010 c16 animegirl214
I hate when People plagiarize. It totally ruins my mood. :(

It's like, "HELLO!~ Dont you have any sense? Why can't you write your own story or not write at all?"

I don't get why people do it. If they liked the story so much, then just put the site URL on their site and tell people bout it, recommend it, Not Copy and Paste. Stupid idiots. D:
12/9/2010 c16 2musingSanity
Oh my gosh, that is awful and that girl didn't even bother changing the name or anything. I hope things will be okay.
12/9/2010 c16 rjwritergirl
OH my goodness! I can't believe somebody would do that! I am in absolute shock! Hopefully she'll take the story down without any trouble.
12/9/2010 c16 i v o r y w i n g s
God! I'm so sorry! Thats absolutely ridiculous! I hope she takes your story off of her profile! Good luck, even though you will win!
12/9/2010 c16 sappyromancelvr
Livejournals seem to be all the rage now. Maybe that will ease you. Anyway, it's outrageous that this is still happening. Hope you keep writing, and as you're fans, we'll stay with you. :)
12/9/2010 c16 6EmmaWoodhouse88
I must read all of the good stories, because all of my favorites always seem to get plagiarized. Im sorry this happened to you and I hope you can start posting again soon.
12/9/2010 c16 DancerG20777
she didn't even change the story name! she really did copy and paste... how stupid!
12/9/2010 c15 3PassionPen
Spry I meant to say support* you lol stupid phone:S
12/9/2010 c16 PassionPen
Omg tzotel!Ii can't believ this happened! Your one amazing writer and I can't believe anyone would plagiarize like that! I supply u always
12/1/2010 c15 6EmmaWoodhouse88
I always disliked amber. She is so evil. And manipulative. I can't wait to see what happensnext!
12/1/2010 c15 littlemiss76
What no more? I am hooked. :)
11/30/2010 c15 booboobeck95
Pretty please update ASAP!
11/30/2010 c15 9Alice in Cullenland
Can i kill David? Please. Fcking idiot. ugh! i want to punch him! anyways, this is a great, fantastic amazing story, and i LOVE it. more more more! (it's almost finals week for me...i should be studying but i'm reading this instead..oh well!)
11/30/2010 c15 zoba20
ugh i so hate david for not realizing what he does to her...he is hurting her, his best friend even though he doesn\t like her yet like she likes him. :(

i so hate darlene and amanda, so can\t wait for more updates...thanx !
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