Just In
for Making Him Believe

9/9/2010 c8 Aneesha
Very good :D

naa I luurve the dialogue:D
9/9/2010 c8 i v o r y w i n g s
I like the dialogue better because it shows more feeling between David and Meg!

The more they converse, the more we see from them. I think the descriptions could be useful, just not all the time.

I'm liking the rewriting!
9/9/2010 c8 sappyromancelvr
haha. romance books are hilarious. The romance stories on FP seem so different from them. :)

Megan and David are so adorable.
9/4/2010 c7 zoba20
aw such a hoot dream but i still hate the mother ^^

thanx for the pm
9/4/2010 c7 Aneesha
Lol I love how funny Eric and David are.

And I especially liked the morning scene :D

soo cute!
9/4/2010 c7 1inkspots
I am loving each and every revamped chapter of your rewrite ♥ I feel like I'm falling in love with your characters and your story all over again (:
9/3/2010 c6 zoba20
nice chapter, totally remembers it ^^

thanx for updating
9/2/2010 c6 Aneesha
Loved the chapter.

Bedroom scene.. To cuute! :D

big changes? Hmm wonder what they might be.

Good chapter :D
9/2/2010 c6 sappyromancelvr
:) They're so cute together.
9/2/2010 c6 2musingSanity
This is an amazing story. You have got to update. No pressure of cource:P
9/2/2010 c4 Love Actually
This is fabulous! I'm dying to read all of it
9/1/2010 c5 zoba20
yay so glad u updated , i so can't wait and see how different this editing is going to be ^^
9/1/2010 c5 chng234
david's mum is really very unfriendly
9/1/2010 c5 Aneesha
Almost forgot how much of a bitch Darlene is.

Poor Meg :)

I like how sweet David is with her though :)

and I luurve Rufus :D
9/1/2010 c5 sappyromancelvr

Love Meg. Prove that woman wrong. For god sakes, she hasn't even slept with him yet.
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