Just In
for Making Him Believe

2/20/2011 c8 1DofD
2/20/2011 c7 DofD
Uh Oh there is gunna be some Eric drama.
2/20/2011 c6 DofD
2/20/2011 c5 DofD
I am so in love with this story.
2/20/2011 c4 DofD
2/20/2011 c3 DofD
-insert heart here-
2/20/2011 c2 DofD
2/20/2011 c1 DofD
Love love love love love!
1/27/2011 c18 Aphrodite's Antidote
I love this story. I read this before you rewrote it and loved it then but I think I love it more this time around. I like how you are spending a little more time on how David and Megan fall for each other. So I hope you all the best with writing. And I must add again I love this story. You are a very great author but I'm sure I am not the only one telling you this.
1/25/2011 c18 britnit
Aww, David and Megan have such good chemistry! I'm glad he mentioned and made up for snubbing her at the country club. Now, if only he would realize he's in love with her.
1/24/2011 c18 3PassionPen
You're one amazing writer and I'm so happy that u took the time out of your busy schedule to write this and I hope college is awesome and you do great!
1/24/2011 c18 maggerdaiser
Nice chapter looking forward to the next one. Please update soon
1/24/2011 c18 Aneesha
aw i liked this new chapter. it was cute!

haha i'm eating a cinnamon roll right now! :D

Dave is soo sweet!
1/24/2011 c18 sappyromancelvr
Hehe. The tension between the them is rising. Can't wait for the climax. ;)
1/24/2011 c18 zoba20
omg that was so cute ^^

i so love them together !

thanx for updating and don't stress yourself :)
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