Just In
for Making Him Believe

4/14/2008 c1 15A.Myers
Sounds fascinating. I'm interested. I can't wait to see what happens next.
4/14/2008 c1 SuperCUTEJensen
sounds very interesting..cant wait for more
4/14/2008 c1 4Faithfully Connected
Hey the story was good except some part were a bit confusing. You should make the transition from the airport to the plane a bit better and when she is in her apartment that was confusing too just make it clearer. Other than that, great story keep on writing
4/14/2008 c1 2sivchik
i really liked that :D

keep it up
4/14/2008 c1 MySunshine
well, this was very interesting ^^

i loved it!

they both would make a cute couple ^^

so ... i like your storyline, too, and i'll be looking forward to reading more ^^
4/14/2008 c1 3Den-KitStock
Bad, David! lying to his mother, if she finds out he will be so dead! Haha
4/14/2008 c1 18AnneGirl15
Very good first chapter. This lookes like a very promising story. Can't wait for the next chapter :) ~Anne P.S. If you could check out some of my work I would greatly appreciate it :)
4/14/2008 c1 Hopelessly Clueless
Oh, this seems like it's going to be a VERY interesting story!

'Megan, pearl of my heart, dimple in my smile, song in my soul. Please?”' That bit was hilarious! I loved it!

Can't wait to read on, update soon! :D
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