Just In
for Lose Me Again

3/22/2009 c1 36Kate Marshall
I love the emotion you put into this. The longing and the sadness are written so well here. The words you used just have a certain weight to them that really compliment this piece.

The way you unfolded what happened is great. The storytelling in this is so sad. It makes me want to hear it over and over again. The ending's perfect. Even if without a happy ending. Great job ;)

Thanks for posting!

-Katie, from the Review Marathon (link's in the profile!)
4/25/2008 c1 9Dot Cubed
Okay I really, really, love your poetry, I can't believe I've never reviewed any of it before! I love the first few lines cause they're just so descriptive, and I love how you've descibed their childhood ("papers with silly drawings" is just amazing to me) and I don't know, this is just perfect.

I love how she says the closet, and he shows her how it's empty! Ah so CUTE. Anyway this is lovely!
4/24/2008 c1 10Amethyst Lin
This poem is so beautiful and wonderful!

I have always loved your style and the way your words flow into each other!
4/20/2008 c1 11Lovestruckandwhatnot
this is so powerful. very impressive use of "full circle" . ya know, how the fear becomes empty.

4/20/2008 c1 163sharks don't sleep
It reminds me of when we were little kids - even though it sounds more like a romance in this poem than a friendship.

But seriously, I read it an think of when I used to go to your house to sleep over and you would leave the room in the middle of the night.

That is so not what this is about, hahahaha.

But I love it, because I can picture the entire thing.

4/20/2008 c1 69Professional Dreamer
Beautiful. Particularly the wonderful way it fits at the end in proving the fears empty - physically and metaphorically.

Swordfights in swamps is a wonderful image. I am inspired.
4/19/2008 c1 8Kirby Tails
Aw. That's so sad, and deep. I absolutely love this.

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