Just In
for Secret Affair

7/21/2008 c12 notwithoutyou
Aw yay! They're going to get married and she's pregnant!

Zac is so cute.

Can't wait for the last chapter!
7/21/2008 c12 BOokWoRm1491
definitely lived up to my expectation! Didnt even expect the marriage proposal and i really cant wait for the next chapter!
7/21/2008 c12 OoohLookACat
aw totally adorable

that totally wasn't the ending i saw coming

but its lovely

and oh so cute!

they're gonna get married!

squeal haha

and as for hating zac and then hating scott -

its kinda your fault anyways haha

you wrote it the way we percieve it :)

but it was written brilliantly.

there's a few mistakes here and there, some bits and pieces of grammer missing

but its understandable. not like i can't read it haha

can't wait for the next one! so excited

7/21/2008 c12 4Jinxed Orangutan
O my GOD.

Super Hot.

Amazing chappie.

Wow am so Happy.


So I guess this is the end followed by a epilogue which is left?

Gosh... And your bed scenes are so real. Umph... Keep the good work going.Love ya
7/21/2008 c12 1September Sapphire
wo! back together!
7/21/2008 c12 outsidersgirl
this is good
7/18/2008 c11 notwithoutyou
Aw no! I really hope he proves himself! Update soon =)
7/16/2008 c1 6concerto49
A tad slow start, but it eventually picked up. I guess there were surprises, especially in what the characters said.
7/15/2008 c11 11dreamercrys
Wow Scott sure is a jackass...
7/15/2008 c11 Moonlight Density
o.O wow, that was unexpected lol update soon :O
7/15/2008 c11 2teegan
so good please update soon
7/15/2008 c11 outsidersgirl
i though summer was marrying zac my brain is starting to hurt it is so confsed
7/14/2008 c11 OoohLookACat
oh no!

that assface scott!

but i guess the whole protecting his sister thing

but urgh ASSFACE!

how dare he step in the way of love!

will he fly to...new zealand?

will he send emails

will he wait a few more years

crying and yearning for his dearest sam?

ive got nothing haha

can't wait for more

i'm sure the ending will be brilliant

7/14/2008 c11 3babyonyee
really good chap! doesnt Zac know where Sam live anyways?
7/14/2008 c11 dissatisfaction
Ha! Can't wait to read what happens next.
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