Just In
for Out of Orbit

5/12/2008 c2 Blithe Lee
I'm loving these characters so far-especially in that last scene with Svyatoslav, Nate, and Crisler-and the so, so strange storyline. :)
5/12/2008 c2 InSilverShadows
"I get to sleep with Jesse Jones." Haha! I wish!

Svyatoslav is by far my favorite character, and not just because I have a Russo-Slavic fetish. 8D Nourish it, darling. I love Nate's narraration. Compared to how zany the other characters are, he's really no less developed-I love the idea of being popular in the middle of nowhere. Your stories are so delightful! :)
5/12/2008 c2 PatchouliPatchwork
Dur, I forgot to review the first one. :3 BUT I remembered this guy. I'm liking the new angles being added to each character. I'm curious about the girl Jesse likes. xD I have my own thoughts but I'm going to wait and see. For some reason, I really really love this story. I can't wait for the next chapter :D
5/11/2008 c2 4Amindaya
Ah, this is still pretty amazing. Perfect characterization, as always.
5/11/2008 c2 17Cattails
Chapter 2, and already there's so many mysterious things going on! I like Svyatoslav. He's so...I don't know. I just like him. And his boots. Hm...Jesse is definitely an oddity...I bet Nate is just jumping to conclusions and misunderstanding things. Or maybe not. But probably. Alright, so there is something definitely weird about Crisler. I wonder if he actually is from the CIA? Cuz I kinda doubt it. But he's up to something. I wonder what it is...? Ah, can't wait to read more!
5/11/2008 c1 5gummybaby
lol, this story's hilarious. I hope you continue it, cuz it rocks and all that, so yeah...
4/30/2008 c1 1samalane
More stories! By you! That makes me so happy, I love your writing so much! XD

I'm so excited to read more of this, and your stuff in general :D
4/29/2008 c1 4X-core
I love Silent Hill. I'm glad to know I'm not the only person on the planet who plays. Those nurses are freaky...

The story. So far very good, I don't think enough has happened to give a full in depth review, but this is a good start. You've given yourself a lot of plot options and I am curious to see which road you take. I'm kind of hoping it's something supernatural and religious-y with the whole disappearing beer can thing (or am I just reading too much into it,) but of course we need the slash.

I like the character relationships too; the fact they don't really like each other but are stuck together is very amusing. I also like the setting of a tiny-religious-town, I actually considered using it more my story. Gay kids + religious zealots = a hell of a lot of drama :)

The problem with reading something and coming back to review it 2 days later is I can never remember if there was any spelling/grammar mistakes. I assume there wasn't.

I'm a huge fan of your writing and can't wait for the next chapter!

4/28/2008 c1 magalina
I love it so far. And I love that you´re posting a new story, hope you get the time to update soon!
4/27/2008 c1 17Cattails
I really like this so far. I can't even begin to guess at where this is going! XD But I like the characters and plot :P So it's all good. Ha, I knew that Jesus statue in the field was going to be regarded as a miracle...although how a Jesus statue in the middle of a burning field is a miracle is beyond me... But, yeah, I'm really looking forward to seeing where this all goes! XD
4/25/2008 c1 7Sunshine Bear
I love Nate.

Forrealz homie... Love is in the air...

This reminds me so much of my family in Texas it's scary...

Okay maybe not but still! Nate reminds me of my cousin if lived in Kansas..
4/25/2008 c1 4Amindaya
Hm. It's interesting. I love the small town thing. And the Jesus statue. I really want to know where the beer can went. I swear when they left I was thinking, "If not for that beer can, they'd say it was a sign from god." And lo and behold. :)
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