Just In
for Baby, I'm Not Finished

8/28 c31 Jie
Still my favourite after all these years.. 2011 huh and now? 2024?
12/30/2020 c31 Guest
Hey i really think your books got great potential so i suggest you upload them on wattpad. Don’t get me wrong i am not advertising wattpad and i love fictionpress but truth is wattpad got way more readers... plus i miss the inline comment function on fictionpress. Anyway i think your works deserve to get published because they’re amazing (especially this one and brown eyes) so yeah think about it :)
2/5/2020 c1 Guest
Something went wrong with the link. Author name is: iAmRubik
2/5/2020 c1 Guest
Hey. Idk if you’re still around author but i wanted to tell you that this story is on Wattpad translated to spanish. They didn’t even change the names, just the title. Story link: my. /4Aia24uUP3 Name: My Ideal Boy
Anyway... going to reread this book soon like for the 6 or 7th time lol. Thx for this awesome work :)
11/1/2018 c31 Guest
Best story ever, I repeat it lyk a million tyms,no part two? (Kiddin) I luv it.
9/8/2018 c31 X
Hello! Its me again. Its been 2 years since I last read this - I remember being 21 and not being productive for a week because of the heartbreak I felt for Oli and Syd. I know I’d never be able to re-read this in its entirety (I’m too much of a crybaby - and I value being productive) but it will always be in my top favourites amongst both published and non-published works. Once again, thank you for an amazing story x
1/13/2018 c1 Andy
I’ve been reading a lot of very good stories on here but this will always be my favorite, it’s just so well written and i love everything about it. Going to start reading it for the fourth time now. Thx to the Author for the amazing work. Please write more stories like that, you’re awesome :)
11/1/2016 c31 Elle Winters 9
Still love it all these years later. Still brings tears to my eyes and longing for them in my heart. I hope you have kept writing even if it's not here on FP
9/27/2016 c30 Guest
Oh praise the lord thank you for being one of the few good stories that weren't removed. I'm pretty late to this but my god you had me up all night reading this. honestly I don't really believe in happy endings - realistically they probably would have moved on and they would've just been "the one that got away" but I'm happy as hell that they do get together. Such a sad ending would've broken my heart
These are the kind of stories I live for, thank you for being a brilliant writer
Sending lots of love xoxo
8/8/2016 c28 TooLazyToLogIn
HAHA NOBODY PUTS BABY IN THE CORNER! So usually I'm all "don't disrespect your parents, blah, blah." But I think they totally deserved that. Especially Jace. That man ticks me off. For real, hold my ear rings, IM GOING IN! Plus Oliver is totally a 9.9 on the swoon worthy chart. Just because ten in reserved for some else though.
7/18/2016 c30 Guest
Your story is sooooooooooooo sweet !
5/9/2016 c31 Ami
I really like this story.. I read this countless of time.. and I still feel the heartache for Oliver and Sydney.. the stolen moments.. I really love it.. I don't know if you still active here but..Please write a short sequel for this.. I'll be so happy..
5/7/2016 c30 guest
Amazing, i love it.I honesty wish it didn't end like thank you for an amazing story it is simply wonderful i love it thanks again
4/11/2016 c31 antiparnassian
Wow...I just have so many thoughts about this right now. I have half a mind to feel angry and the other half to fall to your feet and thank you for writing such a story. It honestly was very different and unique. I loved it.
4/3/2016 c31 X
I've read this multiple times, the first being when I was 15 and the most recent, now, at 21. I am always reduced to a dribbling, sobbing mess with an ache in my chest. Thank you for the amazing story.
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