Just In
for Breaking Brian Deacon

1/26/2009 c25 Minniewhinnie
I'm a little bit confused, so he sent her mail with his numbe in it, y didn't she get the number? Y would celeste keep her phone and y doesn't brian write her back or at least contact dan or greg to tell her? Whoah so many questions I'm srry!
1/26/2009 c24 Minniewhinnie
Oh that was so sad I'm seriously crying riht now :'(
1/26/2009 c21 Minniewhinnie
"If I killed someone, she would help me dispose the body" hahaha I love that and I loved brians reaction when she said they were breaking up, idk y it was just a charm I tv story to me ;)
1/26/2009 c18 Minniewhinnie
srry I haven't reviewed on many but I just keep getting caught up in your amazing story! I love it and I think I have a little idea about what's going on between them;) hehe

Keep writing awesome stories!:)
1/25/2009 c25 2Sarahj259
Celeste and Brians father are assholes
1/25/2009 c1 3ayojess
Please update soon!
1/24/2009 c25 1noir gahmee
So depressing. It's such a Romeo and Juliet story, only the parents know everything and are trying very hard to keep them apart. :(
1/24/2009 c25 kaw97
That is so incredibly frustrating and sad! Celeste and I'm guessing Brian's Dad are somehow intercepting all the mail and calls. GR. Oh well. I am hoping for the sequel. Is it coming?
1/24/2009 c25 23welcome.to.the.loony.bin
... that was so sad. it pretty much killed my mood.. but i liked the writing style, it fit the situation
1/24/2009 c25 trishmazing
ah i love this story! it's one of the best things i've ever read on fictionpress. im just kinda sad right now because of this chapter but hopefully they'll be together soon (: you're such a great author keep it up!
1/23/2009 c25 2Jane Speare
OH, i really hope the miscommunication gets cleared up! Maggie and Brian really, really, really, need to end up together, or, or, well i dont know what i'll do. Maybe go into depression or something... *Wispers 'PLEASE'*
1/23/2009 c25 3asya sanami
It's so sad for them to not be able to reach eachother. Kond of short, but you uploaded it earlier than I expected. Gosh, I'm beginning to hate Celeste, why does she have to be so stubborn about it, it's maggies life, not hers! Well I guess it's just her being human. Still looking forward to the next chapter
1/23/2009 c25 2pretitiful
i loved the way the chapter was set out.

ugh. i dislike celeste.
1/23/2009 c24 pretitiful



maggie & brian.


this is so sad


stupid mr deacon. if i could, i would srsly, slap him across the face.
1/23/2009 c23 pretitiful
that is so sad.

brian and maggie. *sniff sniff*

mean, mr deacon.

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