1/26/2009 c25 Minniewhinnie
I'm a little bit confused, so he sent her mail with his numbe in it, y didn't she get the number? Y would celeste keep her phone and y doesn't brian write her back or at least contact dan or greg to tell her? Whoah so many questions I'm srry!
I'm a little bit confused, so he sent her mail with his numbe in it, y didn't she get the number? Y would celeste keep her phone and y doesn't brian write her back or at least contact dan or greg to tell her? Whoah so many questions I'm srry!
1/26/2009 c21 Minniewhinnie
"If I killed someone, she would help me dispose the body" hahaha I love that and I loved brians reaction when she said they were breaking up, idk y it was just a charm I tv story to me ;)
"If I killed someone, she would help me dispose the body" hahaha I love that and I loved brians reaction when she said they were breaking up, idk y it was just a charm I tv story to me ;)
1/26/2009 c18 Minniewhinnie
srry I haven't reviewed on many but I just keep getting caught up in your amazing story! I love it and I think I have a little idea about what's going on between them;) hehe
Keep writing awesome stories!:)
srry I haven't reviewed on many but I just keep getting caught up in your amazing story! I love it and I think I have a little idea about what's going on between them;) hehe
Keep writing awesome stories!:)
1/24/2009 c25 1noir gahmee
So depressing. It's such a Romeo and Juliet story, only the parents know everything and are trying very hard to keep them apart. :(
So depressing. It's such a Romeo and Juliet story, only the parents know everything and are trying very hard to keep them apart. :(
1/24/2009 c25 kaw97
That is so incredibly frustrating and sad! Celeste and I'm guessing Brian's Dad are somehow intercepting all the mail and calls. GR. Oh well. I am hoping for the sequel. Is it coming?
That is so incredibly frustrating and sad! Celeste and I'm guessing Brian's Dad are somehow intercepting all the mail and calls. GR. Oh well. I am hoping for the sequel. Is it coming?
1/24/2009 c25 23welcome.to.the.loony.bin
... that was so sad. it pretty much killed my mood.. but i liked the writing style, it fit the situation
... that was so sad. it pretty much killed my mood.. but i liked the writing style, it fit the situation
1/24/2009 c25 trishmazing
ah i love this story! it's one of the best things i've ever read on fictionpress. im just kinda sad right now because of this chapter but hopefully they'll be together soon (: you're such a great author keep it up!
ah i love this story! it's one of the best things i've ever read on fictionpress. im just kinda sad right now because of this chapter but hopefully they'll be together soon (: you're such a great author keep it up!
1/23/2009 c25 2Jane Speare
OH, i really hope the miscommunication gets cleared up! Maggie and Brian really, really, really, need to end up together, or, or, well i dont know what i'll do. Maybe go into depression or something... *Wispers 'PLEASE'*
OH, i really hope the miscommunication gets cleared up! Maggie and Brian really, really, really, need to end up together, or, or, well i dont know what i'll do. Maybe go into depression or something... *Wispers 'PLEASE'*
1/23/2009 c25 3asya sanami
It's so sad for them to not be able to reach eachother. Kond of short, but you uploaded it earlier than I expected. Gosh, I'm beginning to hate Celeste, why does she have to be so stubborn about it, it's maggies life, not hers! Well I guess it's just her being human. Still looking forward to the next chapter
It's so sad for them to not be able to reach eachother. Kond of short, but you uploaded it earlier than I expected. Gosh, I'm beginning to hate Celeste, why does she have to be so stubborn about it, it's maggies life, not hers! Well I guess it's just her being human. Still looking forward to the next chapter
1/23/2009 c24 pretitiful
maggie & brian.
this is so sad
stupid mr deacon. if i could, i would srsly, slap him across the face.
maggie & brian.
this is so sad
stupid mr deacon. if i could, i would srsly, slap him across the face.