Just In
for Breaking Brian Deacon

1/23/2009 c20 2pretitiful
okay. they have sex, and then she suggests that they break up?

srsly. what is up with that?

&poor brian :(
1/23/2009 c16 pretitiful
mr. deacon. mmh. yeah. i wouldnt want to run into him. actually. i wouldnt want to be on his bad side. does he even have a good side? lol.

loving the story

1/22/2009 c13 pretitiful
ladies and gentleman, maggie has fallen for brian deacon!

1/21/2009 c23 2Serolina
OH MY GOD! I HATE him! He doesn't even seem to have a clue as to what kind of repercussions this will have on his son's emotional state! They love each other and he's just being a selfish MEANIEFACE.


Now that I have that out of my system, I Love this story! I think you are doing a wonderful job with your writing and I can'rt wait till the next chapter comes out.

...sorry about the angry rant...that man was made to be hated...You did a wonderful job of writing him. ^_^
1/21/2009 c25 2ehM
what the..freak? hehe.

failed communication alright..

wow..all those happened within a year? dang.
1/21/2009 c25 CluLessOnexD
um.. this book came out a long time ago so i was wondering if part two came out yet...

- a cluless fan
1/20/2009 c18 1Esdursayshii
ugh Celeste is a bitch! my aunts are way better! hm... i wonder how levi and celeste have in common? OMG did theyn have an affair? is thty heidi broke up with celeste? oh i have to read the next chpter!

- a cluless fan
1/20/2009 c16 Esdursayshii
ooh someones moving! ahh! csnt wait to read the next chapter! this book is so good!
1/20/2009 c25 1This.Ink
God i hate that women! WTF is her problem?

I wish they find out soon what shes doing so she can have her butt kick! :/

lol nice chapter. I liked it. :)


1/20/2009 c25 blushlush
i despise celeste.

poor brian. i love him so much.
1/19/2009 c14 1Esdursayshii
OMG! if brian was real i'd be all over him! he is so sweet! i never find that in a guy! x.x hes so unreal! ah he's like another Edward Cullen to other girls, im not such a fan!
1/19/2009 c25 1dabombticktick

who is keeping them from contacting?


update asap

i cant wait

1/19/2009 c25 1Icyglaze
Aw this is so sad. :( Can't wait until next chapter!
1/19/2009 c25 1watergirl795
Hurry up with the second part please! I seriously can't wait.
1/19/2009 c25 30Jainblu
Oh, that is epicly sad... epicly. :(

GOsh I haven't reviewed anything because of my exams.. but i actually liked the change in format. It was quite refreshing actually. I love the type of split scene/ character to character style. Yeah... part two will be fun to read methinks.
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