Just In
for Breaking Brian Deacon

1/17/2009 c25 10nul
God. I hate Celeste.

I hate Mr.Deacon.


I like how you wrote this chapter, but I wouldn't prefer reading it in this form a lot.

It gets confusing, I wasn't sure if Brian was repyling to Maggies message and Maggie was receiving it or not.

but overall, excited for Part 2.


Martin the Waterskier
1/17/2009 c25 x3life
omg that was so sad!

1/17/2009 c25 oxsarahxo


1/17/2009 c25 3Kadekksys
CELESTE IS A B@#$@#$@#$@#$@#$@TCH! OMG! AH! OVER A YEAR? WHAT? OMG! why? UGH! why why why why why?

Oh, and about your other stories... I read Bloodlust and really liked it and am wondering if I should start the sequel or the rewrite or neither since neither has been updated for a while. Let me know! thanks! :)
1/17/2009 c25 Jazzytea
oh deng something is amiss! O_O I wonder who's interfering, probably their friends them dumb butts. I am sad. Two people who obviously care for each other and other people keep getting in the way. When will the drama end? I hope it works out. And I hope you will write more! (School starts for me too, next Thrs. gotta love semester system haha) anyways, hope to see an update in the near future. And I liked the format, it does fit with the whole loss of connection stuff.
1/17/2009 c25 1violet-eyez
how did he not get her mail n vice versa?
1/17/2009 c25 Blue Enigma
I'm going to jump into your story and slap her.

Okay..not really do that, but I hate her. :s
1/17/2009 c25 welcome to meganland
Stupid celeste. I hate her right now.

AAw, poor maggie. POOR brian. Brian has it way worse than maggie, though. I cant believe he hasnt stopped for a year. I love him right now.

Okay, so update. I know you have alot to do...but please? for me?
1/17/2009 c25 7Serafina Claremond
Wow. That was...disturbing. In a good way though. It was different and sad and nice. It was well-written, though.

Update whenever YOU can.

With love,

1/17/2009 c25 1boredbottom
Oh my goshnes! No! why! evil! UgH! er!@! What ahppened to their phones.. oh lord... write more.. faster...

-im waiting, magaly
1/17/2009 c25 1goodbyemylover
why arent they getting each other's letters?

this made me so sad=[ poor maggie and brian.

i wanted to run into celeste with brian's truck, heehee.

i'm so glad you updated, and i can't wait till part two!
1/17/2009 c25 QuebecNights
AH WOW. I'm so mad at Celeste! That was heartless. And, wow. It's been a year? OMG. Ah, I've missed this story-I hope we have updates soon :)
1/17/2009 c25 Bookwormstrangly

I really loved the format of this chapter!

update soon!
1/17/2009 c25 EmotionalMess

This is like the notebook...Brian should realize that Celeste and his have been interfering now that she answered the phone.

Celeste and his dad should die by the way...they are being childish and they need to mind their own business.

I hope Mr. Deacon's wife leaves him and I hope Celeste goes to jail for fraud or something.

Or they could both die.

Im so mad right now :-[

And Im crying.


Good Chapter*
1/17/2009 c25 5DesireToSmile



...I can't believe Celeste!

...And is the address wrong...is that why he's not receiving her mail...or she's not receiving his?

Try to update por favor!
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