Just In
for Breaking Brian Deacon

12/20/2008 c23 1Jaliy
omigod! how sad..

nice chapter eventhough it had so much of angst..

update soon plz!

12/20/2008 c23 4menace in training
oh my goodness this actually made me cry! Brilliant update and definitely worth the wait!
12/20/2008 c23 2highly-kissable
Jeez Brian's dad is a heartless dick!
12/20/2008 c22 cherry
i just about freaked when you mentioned that this story takes place in michigan; i live in michigan, although my town is probably a lot bigger than rice lake. anyways... i just wanted to review and telly you that this story is amazing. i just love how maggie went from hating brian to falling in love with them. i kind of have a feeling that this whole fake break up thing is going to blow up in there face though.
12/20/2008 c23 2righthere431
ahh why is he such a bast*rd! =[[
12/20/2008 c22 cosmopolitan
now that is what i call embarrassing... horrifyingly so, at that...
12/20/2008 c19 cosmopolitan
i knew it! i knew that it was celeste that he must have had a thing with once given how he was towards Maggie! lol, personally, though, i really hope nothing happens between him and Celeste and that maybe he'll finally realize what a great thing he has with Brian's mom... usually it's that way, you blind yourself and you fail to realize what true perfection is becuase ur just SO stupidly sure that it's the other thign when it was what u had all along...
12/20/2008 c23 dust and glitter

Oh my, I think I hate you!

Just kidding, it's nice to hear from you again (:

The chapter, though somewhat TEAR-JERKING, was amazing.

Update soon?

And Merry Christmas to you (:

12/20/2008 c23 8Emerald123
he's a bastard!
12/20/2008 c23 welcome to meganland
Aw. i hate him. he sucks.

Brian and Magie x.
12/20/2008 c23 22Kohlomere
AH! It's good to have you back, even if you broke my heart with this chapter.

Great work,

12/20/2008 c23 ace4022
Oh no! I can't stand that man. I though he might decide to be nice or something when she told him their reason for hiding their relationship but he just got even worse!
12/20/2008 c23 J. C. Hunter
GOD. the dad is such a bloody asshole. gah. i hate him. how can he be so absolutely unfeeling to even suggest this bloody thing. and to say all that. it wasn't just a jibe at maggie. it was a jibe at her aunt. gah. bloody idiot. and how can brian not know about the move? i mean one week is a little short to start moving. the mum must have known about the move didn't she? gah. why is part one going to end sadly? AH.

12/20/2008 c23 Vici Daily
I have tears in my eyes...how could he do such a thing!
12/20/2008 c23 7Silencia
My god, that guys a demon! He doesn't know the meaning of a heart and he is just a sick little bastard who gets horny when he sees brutally killed babies! And his favourite drink is the blood from his family!

Grtz Silencia, the Mr. Deacon-hater
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