Just In
for Breaking Brian Deacon

11/1/2008 c22 21Faith Adeline
Oh...my...Jesus...The ending was amazing. I cannot believe the dad walked in on them. Holy shit. Hahah. And, gah! Her presents were amazing! I love Phantom of the Opera :) Amazing musical. Sigh..I love Brian too. Such a fuggin' sweetie. Le sigh. I can't wait til December now! What a way to leave it! Have fun doing NaNo. I am too! Hahah. Keep it up, dahling!

10/31/2008 c22 styling16
oh my gosh i could hardly stay still while reading the chapter! GOSH i've waited so long for your update! and it's so worth it! UPDATE SOON! GOOD LUCK!
10/31/2008 c22 je ne veux pas travailler
this was one of the best chapters by far

why is mr deacon such a bastard though? like you should kill him off :)
10/31/2008 c22 3she gets skills from the pills
oh my! way to make me scream and scare no-one luckily because i am home alone! that was so so SO unexpected! please update as soon as you can i absolutely LOVE reading this story! my heart is still racing!
10/31/2008 c22 4Lorango911
OMG that is THEE worst time to walk in on them! Why didn't the dad knock, dangit! ha ha ha ha ha ha omg this is too crazy! why didn't they lock the door! GAH
10/31/2008 c22 3Kcqueen13
I love your story so far. I literally check every single day for an update. Can't wait until December!
10/31/2008 c22 58slowlydancingtothestars
ohh this sucks not even ONE update! your leaving it there for that long! I think I just might DIE! PLASE PLASE PLASE!
10/31/2008 c22 kardula
omg! this is so akward!

brian is so sweet! seriously, I want a boyfriend just like brian

well, without the whole dad drama...

i cant wait for the next chapter... i'm looking forward to december! ^^

take care
10/31/2008 c22 IzandriaJohnson
This story is so awesome! And omg? No updates because of NaNoWriMo? Darn... how am I supposed to distract myself from my own writing. Oh well, Good Luck with reaching the 50k!

10/31/2008 c22 1casey-kent
This is the most thrilling chapter ever. I can't stop jumping here on my chair! I really CAN'T wait for the next chapter.. the suspense is too much! Ack, I'd have to say, best chapter ever.. for now at least! :D Keep writing! I'm your biggest fan!
10/31/2008 c22 1Izzey
whoa. fantastically awesome chapter. can't wait for the next one
10/31/2008 c22 1Guns en' Roses
hey there! love your story! Keep up the good work!
10/31/2008 c22 9Lily Llynn
Oh the scandal!

I thought one of their friends would find out, but oh, this is worse.

And dang you for not updating until December (though I understand, NaNo ftw! I have some stuff I need to finish, haha).
10/30/2008 c22 nejimo
Thank you for updating a chapter that brightened up my whole week! It was a long wait, but it was totally worth it.

Ouch, busted. D: Why doesn't anybody in their story knock before entering? And why doesn't Brian learn to lock his door, considering what happened last time? Haha.

Anyways, brilliant chapter. I'm rooting for Brian and Maggie to stay together. I went crazy when they faked the breakup, but I'll have a heart attack if they really do. D:

Good luck with NaNoWriMo, Sammy!
10/30/2008 c22 1dabombticktick
WOW thats why people should always knock

LOL guh im so happy you updated

this story just keeps gettin better and better

and OMG that spider scene.. BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH.. it made me crack for like 10 minutes

i couldnt stop laughing :D

thanks so much for updating

cant wait for the next chapter!
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