Just In
for 10 Reasons I hate Drew Hartner

12/28/2013 c7 crazydaisyyy
I love the story so far! :)
4/22/2013 c1 Tina E
So sweet. I think you explained love perfectly.
9/23/2012 c7 Bubbly Girl
PLEASE FINISH! I just need to know what happens next! :)
Peace, Love and Happiness! :)
Bubbly Girl
6/24/2012 c7 8Hayley Jade Alisdair
This story is amazing! Please update soon!
2/29/2012 c6 8duckliy543
So i read this today again. I read this a few years ago when you first published it and i was in love with it then and here i thought i had changed but no, years later still loving this story! amazing! i really liked it good job! you should be so proud!
2/26/2012 c7 Alice in Vulgarland
Such an akward chapter between anjali and andrew ^_^ i love it.it's very realistic in the sense of the emotions you feel with someone you like prior to finally being together. Keep it up! 3 can't wait for some more updates! :D
2/25/2012 c7 CaitlinEA
At the end of every chapter, all I can think is "Oh, my god! Have sex already!"

2/24/2012 c7 1Spiked Angel
This was really nice and romantic, but the scenes should have been fleshed out more.
11/7/2011 c6 blythely
oh! so sweet. the two of them have such an easy and loving dynamic. i play soccer so I also like the extra the soccer bits.
8/12/2011 c2 20xxTunstall Chickxx
Haha, I wasn't going to review again so soon but here I am. I vaguely remember this story... very lovely. There are however a few spelling, grammar and general typos still in the text. From personal experience I guarantee that you can go over it a thousand times and still miss stuff - in the end you'll see what you think ought to be there and not necessarily what is. If you ever want a friendly eye to give a chapter a once-over, let me know!

xxTunstall Chickxx
3/21/2011 c6 Sodnekdnskhjb
This is really good! Are you going to continue this? I really hope so!
1/20/2011 c1 blithe.serendipity
Ooh I like your writing style. It sounds kinda like what I would say about lovee, I love cliches and I really want it to happen to me.

On another note, are you going to update this? :) Please? And what's this about another story. I'm not entirely sure what happened here cuz it hasn't been updated in almost a year. Can you send it to me? Or post it?Thanks a BUNCH. And once again, I loved this small sectionn, very insightful.
10/6/2010 c6 pterodactylion
Aw ! This is just so cute (;
7/31/2010 c6 2lambchops15
I love the story so far! Please, please keep writing! It's absolutely terrific :)
7/23/2010 c6 Pop the Bubble
I think you should update :)

Poor anjali... the sexual tension between her and Drew is crazy! I love this so much haha
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