Just In
for 10 Reasons I hate Drew Hartner

6/8/2010 c6 PrincessPeach131
I love this story can't wait for the next chapter!
5/28/2010 c6 TheMoltenWindow
I read your latest (and eargerly awaited) chapter ages ago but I dont think I left a comment so I'm doing it now. Love the story loads of drama and I can hardly wait for the next installment :)

Write quickly XD
5/7/2010 c6 D-Mish
"That's nice"

:| that is so horrible. my heart aches for the girl. update soon! :(
4/9/2010 c6 hedwigisnotdead


Seriously that's the first thought I had

I like how you had Drew's confession there early in the story, a bit of a twist I guess. I mean, the story's a cliche so we KNOW they're both in love with each other, and to actually have Drew's perspective is fantastic.

Update soon!
4/9/2010 c6 2renegade01
aww, poor Li... someone slap Drew over the head... ;)

love it so far.
4/8/2010 c6 michaeljacksonlovaa
ohmygosh! you can't just leave it like thaat. what happened? i though drew liked her. maybe he was just caught off guard. it happens sometime, y'know?

u haave to update kk?

i'll be waiting. : )
4/8/2010 c6 darkgurl92
OMG..STUPID DREW..he's such an idiot...

gosh..update soon..
4/8/2010 c6 Kiss-My-Sass87
UPDATE! We haven't forgotten about you ;)
4/8/2010 c6 sne8989
nice chapter! I felt bad for Li at the end :(
4/8/2010 c6 2adaranaelsaldeur
... ilovethis!...

please do update...

4/8/2010 c6 3yoursillygirl
YAY! I checked my email a few minutes ago, and i saw an update for this story and i literally jumped out of my seat. hahahaha. This chapter was amazing! Drew is going to come around soon, right? Gosh, it always makes me mad when guys just give stupid responses to girls when they pour their hearts out to them. -.- Anyway, please update soon!
4/8/2010 c6 1checkyesdana
so glad this is back =)
3/25/2010 c5 1SomethingUnforgivable
I love this story! Please update soon!
2/16/2010 c5 5eehornburg
I just started reading this story, and it's so super cute! I love it! Please update soon!
1/22/2010 c4 1Spiked Angel
my gahd UPDATE! please

seriously must getèm 2getha
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