Just In
for 10 Reasons I hate Drew Hartner

12/6/2009 c5 1Spiked Angel
oh god. where to start? just think of all the things that are great in a story. Well, that's yours. if that makes sense. i loved it!
12/2/2009 c2 1cerulean-azure
Why does Sasha contradict herself by going:

"Anjali has talent. I won't deny that."

"and state that I had no talent what so ever."

other than that, nice job.
11/21/2009 c5 TheMoltenWindow
loved- please post more soon!
11/4/2009 c5 3Madz95
ahah i lurve ur story, its great :) keep writing.
10/25/2009 c5 5I Murder on Impulse
I love it :D


9/1/2009 c5 darkgurl92
aww..they boTh liKe eachother..

update soon
8/28/2009 c5 resplendent
nice story so far =)

update soon
7/26/2009 c5 Pop the Bubble
Update please? (:

I want to see more tension!
7/15/2009 c5 MentalCollision
i love BOTH ur versions of this story, but i havent read it in forever!

dying to know what happens next!
7/2/2009 c5 jen jen
omg this is so cute and i love it cause im kinda in the same position i love reading it cause it super funnie hope to se the next chapter soon ... love it! really easy 2 read and likable characters keep up the gr8 work ☺
6/8/2009 c3 2Ponder000

“When you do that it almost looks like you have a chest.

Isnt this an insult?

Yet she still had a warm feeling..
5/4/2009 c5 1N.S. Blanchard
Great job.
5/4/2009 c2 N.S. Blanchard
Is it weird to say I love your words?
5/4/2009 c1 N.S. Blanchard
This is an amazing first chapter. So true, by the way.
5/4/2009 c2 2theaddictedfighter
i love soccer. ;) like, really. it's an amazing sport.
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