Just In
for 10 Reasons I hate Drew Hartner

4/21/2009 c1 3yoursillygirl
please please please update this story! ive been reading it since you began updating the story again and its so good! how many chapters is it? i just got an account on fp cuz ive been reading so many different stories, and right now this and The Candy Man are my top 2. lol.


4/21/2009 c5 2shutterbaby
Too early really to say anything about what's happened so far. I really like Drew's POV though. It threw me for a loop, because before that part he never showed any sign of liking her. It was a bit abrupt.
4/19/2009 c5 3Jacklyn Lindsay
This story makes me laugh! Especially at Anjali's POV, this story makes me feel easy, love it! :D
4/10/2009 c5 1obsessivity
I'd really love to read the complete original version;

Nice story though, make your heart jump and flutter

LOL you must be going like 'what a whack chick' xP

Lmao I didn't mean to sound cheesy ^^

Update asap I like where you're going with the story (:
4/10/2009 c5 5DesireToSmile
ahh! i felt like giggling while reading this...perhaps i did?

very good! loved it!

the love between them is so cute
4/9/2009 c5 dramaqueen89
I have this huge smirk on my face right now :))

They have serious chemistry :D

4/9/2009 c4 dramaqueen89

This is getting so exciting :
4/9/2009 c5 AJ southern
This really is a great story. Progressing nicely and the plot is intriguing! : )
4/9/2009 c5 Kiss-My-Sass87
4/9/2009 c5 4I am Switzerland 101
Oh my god this story is amazing, really! i love it a lot.

I want to see how this turns out, PLEASE update soon!

4/8/2009 c4 1checkyesdana
i love reading this again. The plot is amazing and your a very good writer.
4/8/2009 c4 5DesireToSmile
O so they both like each other, now I wonder who's gonna crack first and tell the other.

Good job in getting the guy's perspective, it was very nicely written and we can really understand Drew's thinking.

Read my new story if you have a chance, I would appreciate feedback :)

Good job! Can't for your next update!
4/8/2009 c4 12hellosunshinee
i read this before and it was really good so i'm reading it agian :) honestly this is my favorite story on fiction press!
4/8/2009 c4 Lea Brown
I love this story please update soon. =)
4/5/2009 c2 Evanescence's Love
She fell in love on my birthday! I like the story continue it
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