Just In
for Cry

5/25/2008 c1 612simpleplan13
I did not like the fourth line 'cause it seemed a bit long.

I like the repetition, it flows well. I also like the ending because its so true, but I had never thought of it before.

PS if you're bored today check your the Review Game and its Review Marathon (link in my profile)
5/25/2008 c1 59Tranquil Thorns
A little depressing, but it still makes sense.

I like how all the important things are pointed out; the fact that the poem doesn't talk about mourning anything trivial. =P

Nice ending lines.
5/25/2008 c1 11Zayna
lol. It's probably not meant to be funy but it made me laugh. i like it. it's so true and nicely expressed. you've said soo much in just a couple of lines.

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