Just In
for Stepbrothers

6/13/2012 c19 dani4ever
hey! please finish this story! I love it so much! Saul and Dannu are such REAL characters, I feel like they really existed! Hope you post the next chapter pronto. Cheers,

3/8/2012 c19 fumasterchu
Please update! Please, please!
1/8/2012 c10 6magnanimousSquirrel
It is indeed.
1/7/2012 c1 magnanimousSquirrel
I feel bad for Saul.
1/7/2012 c19 Amy
Errr. Where's the rest of it? You better update or I'll... be not very happy! Got to admit, Perfect Uncle is still my favourite. But if you update this one could be!
11/21/2011 c1 xfffxfxfx
Cool story. I seems like you struggle to keep a plot going long term. For awhile I was feeling very conflicted about whether or not to make this a favourite story, but ultimately many of the situations and expressions of the characters I found returning to my mind, so I realized that whatever issues I may have with this story, it has affected me. I'm happy to see that the story is still in progress. There are a lot of plot-threads hanging in the air, so I am excited to see how it all pans out.
11/2/2011 c19 The Lovely Angel
I love this story and can't wait for more.
10/1/2011 c19 12todo-mahem
Awwww god! I want to read more of this. I just have to know how it ends! For now I'll finish reading all your works though. xD
8/22/2011 c19 5Russle
Ooh, I just wish Saul wouldn't be so stubborn with his emotions!
8/22/2011 c14 Russle
And this kids is why you don't do drugs. :)
7/8/2011 c19 5Disney Is Hardcore
I really like how they speak. The contractions. I guess it's a weird thing to notice, but I do and I like it.'maybe cause it's different.

And I like how they act, too. Not like some pansy-ass gayboys a girl's created who acts like a girl. Because these guys are actual guys, that's cool. It's just annoying when a girl writes a guy as if he's a girl. Unless that didn't make sense. Prolly didn't. Oh well.

And I really like their names! :D

I thought it was finished, probably wouldn't have started reading it if I hadn't thought that. Because I'm an impatient person, and also because sometimes people never finish their stories...um. I hope you do finishe this, I didn't mean that like a guilt trip, thought that's how it sounds.

This story's pretty ace. I'm not really into smut and stuff, but this isn't really gratuitous sex for the sake of it so I guess it doesn't really count as smut. Hmmyeah :)
6/13/2011 c19 13morphine and lollipops
I'm just gonna assume this is done but I loved it, very very very much. And it was overall amazing and awesome and yes. I love them. I love them a lot. :)
4/25/2011 c19 anotherveryveryverydeadaccount
I have fallen in love with this story ENTIRELY. I love it. I was reading it on my phone and actually cried when it wouldnt go on to the next chapter - BECAUSE THERE ISNT ONE THERE! D': please tell me that you've not abandonned it! And that you will update soon? Because I really do adore it!

Much love!

3/16/2011 c19 SemeUkeLurver

Now update!

And... where is this story going?

3/16/2011 c15 SemeUkeLurver
Ahh~ this chappy is so swet!

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