Just In
for The Product of the Company We Keep

7/9/2009 c1 13Tsumujikaze no Soujutsu
When I read this one, my first impression is "Shit! It's a work on propaganda!" But then again, propoganda is a form of political aspect here. If not, why did Hitler managed to win the german people's hearts? To be honest I can say that while this is a good one shot from you, I think that you could have done it in a good satirical work if you can include a certain amount of humour in it. But I do like the way you likened a victim of propaganda to certain product of a manufacturing company. An apt comparision here. Apart from that, nothing much to say. And yeah, thanks very much for your review on The Eternal Grail btw. Sorry that I took this long to review back. :S
5/31/2009 c1 9Narq
I especially liked this: "I am not a name, I'm just a number./

Branded with the mark upon my brow,/Bred to slave away in some resemblance/Of profit to society- I have no freedom now." It does give sympathy from the reader.

Good poem here although I'm a bit confused about what you want to portray.

Guess what? I wanted to review your stuff and realised I didn't know which one I'd already reviewed or not! Haha, it turned out that I had to click into each one of them and see if I had a "review rejected" thingy popping out.


P.S. I have a new story, Cryptic Paths up :)

Oh, and I love your drawings!

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