Just In
for Mediation for the Troubled Mind

9/16/2008 c4 written
re: your LJ comment... here I am! I KNEW you had a new chapter up. when I sign in I'll add this to my faves or something. so's I can keep track of it better.

aww, finn and forrester :D shucks. I am like, remarkably fond of your characters, by the way. don't know if I've said that before. somehow you inspire genuine attachment!

shucks, lina! and forrester grins! for HER. or for all of them, whatever.

[“Not to Forrester,” he points out, and pretends he doesn’t notice the flicker of something in Lina’s eyes. He thinks they’re both remembering the same night. In some ways, this night is about to become so integral to Forrester’s existence, and if he screws it up, Finn doesn’t want to be the one holding the ball again.]

! oh memories.

[He grins, sometimes, and Finn wants to kick him.]


[He glances over at Carrie. He finally decided to just throw her hot chocolate away in the nearest trash can, and Carrie doesn’t look like she misses it much.]

aw gee.

oh man, finn snapped at forrester! he kinda deserved it. AND CARRIE. go her. seriously. so will forrester talk to her?

and she comes back D: I want to give her a hug too! aand she's gone. shucks.

how many credit hours are you taking?

[finally, if you’re reading, please review! i mean, i know where you live now. not that that’s a threat or anything.]

haha. I KNOW, RIGHT? sometimes I feel like we write and our invisible readers find out a lot about us through our writing but don't give us anything back (esp. when they don't review). not that I mind, I swear. but with the new reader traffic thing, I now know more about my readers then they know about me! well, in terms of geographical location.
9/13/2008 c1 1AllOfTheAbove
You are an awesome writer and I enjoy reading TSM and this sequel.

Its just the style that reels me in, fucking fantastic.

And about the used-to-be-possibility of Finn/Lina, it's sad because for a second when his hand was wrapped around her shoulder I liked them as a couple. And then I remembered Charlie's animated grins aimed at her and I want their happily ever after.

So update soon!
8/26/2008 c3 8Written
I love how deliberate a lot of your writing sounds.

finn is such a great character! I like the idea of him and carrie. and they have some tension now. sort of. I hate that he hurt her feelings! it's so sad.

carrie's plans are hilarious though... haha. and the part about how the oc is not on the air anymore. oh geeze.

[Finn glares at his food. And then at Forrester, just for good measure, and this must be what Lina feels like, every single day of her life.]


[“I told her to give up on you,” he says]

nice wording. wow.

[By some random stroke of luck (or misfortune, depending on who you’re speaking to) their entire group has landed in the same history class.]

don't you love when that happens? haha. TIME FOR AWKWARDNESS. Which I just typed as "dakwardness" by the way.

[Instead, Lina and Carrie appear to have created their own island of desks, away from the row the group usually sits at, and really, now, they’re not five years old.]


[When he sees Finn, he tries to raise an eyebrow, and just ends up sending them both up at the same time.]

hahaha. I had a friend who couldnt raise one eyebrow at a time, so she used to try to lower one eyebrow, and just looked like she was winking a lot.

[At the end of class, Finn decides that he’s not going to end up like Forrester. ]

ATTABOY. Seriously, no one should end up like Forrester. Anyway, the rest of this chapter is just so cute. Finn is a dear, and I like reading about him! well done.

Lina and Charlie... well. They need to hurry up.

haha. just kidding. take your time.
8/25/2008 c3 12Durak
Agh, this is /finished/? What a major bummer. Phooey. I thought I was helping you in your effort to complete a piece. So much for that, eh?

I very much like the image of Carrie with the paper triangles at her feet. I think the word I want to use here is "iconic." Very nice.

I wonder about "Speaking of Lina." I'm not sure that it fits. Perhaps it does. But that's just it; I'm not sure.

Also, I like Finn's self-imposed and oblivious martyrdom. He goes out of his way to be "that guy" that meddles, and still blames everyone else. Telling personality trait.

I don't get "What'd you do to Carrie?" though I /do/ understand Lina's shock. Why is Carrie so... hurt?

"When he sees Finn, he tries to raise an eyebrow, and just ends up sending them both up at the same time." You seem to have a real gift for putting in quirky descriptions here and there that are very true-to-life. Love it.

I take back what I said about Carrie; I get it. And I love Finn's blaming people, again, for not "filling in the gaps" because of their own ineptitude.

"true love stories take time, it’s only the second episode". I mean, Italics and everything? Could you /be/ any less subtle? =P But I digress.

Wonderfully done, again.

PS - I agree with the previous reviewer who saw that Finn and Carrie have a "thing" for each other. I totally buy it.

8/25/2008 c2 Durak
Thank God, I can criticize you now! =D (I'm a bit timid, as I've seen the how furious the forum mods can get over an unqualified review. Not that mine is in any way, shape, or form, take that definition, but still, my last one was about one tenth the length of my standard. On to criticism!)

First, a question which I didn't think about in the last story: what year of high school are these guys? None of them (ostensibly) has licenses, or at the least, their own cars. If they /are/ 16, 17, or even 18, I would suggest letting them have their own wheels. If they're freshmen, I dig it, and it would certainly provide more coherency to the 8th grade backstory.

Quick bit of praise: "patch of seconds" was a very nice phrase. I like little bits of creativity like that - not just "ten seconds" or "a few seconds", but "patch." Why that stood out to me, I can't stay. But it is more confirmation, to me, that you know what you're doing.

"If he doesn't, tackle him." Um, lol? That's hilarious. Seriously... Carrie is a spaz. She's so seriously out of it. Love it. (Note: You made me write "lol". I'm not sure whether I should be horrified or pleased.)

Secondly, spelling errors: "His mother asks" should not be capitalized. Ditto for "He hears Forrester ask". I assume that's a Word auto-correction, but in either case, is the phrase following the quotes is describing the quoted piece - "he said," "she garbled," "the Zorflox fleet gamma-signalled across deep space," it is not capitalized. Only when the next part begins with something like "With that," "She turned away," or otherwise does /not/ describe the manner in which the quote was delivered, and the quote ends in a final punctuation mark, does it get an end quote.

Call me pedantic if you want. I just want to cover all the bases so you know where my reasoning is coming from. ;)

This also applies to "'Stop laughing, Finn!' She exclaims." and "'Having fun?' She asks."

"Hurtle" is not a verb I have ever seen used in that sense. However, I now think it is a great word. But, on the other hand, I think you really meant "be hurled out", as you're implying the sandwiches are doing it of their own volition with the active case. (At least, that's the sense /I/ got. I've got a real penchant for pedantry, don't I?)

"Long-suffering" is usually how I see the word, but I often write "longsuffering", though Word has alerted me that is improper, so ignore that bit. Still, I don't know the rules on that word, but I think it's supposed to be compound.

Finn laughing when Lina and Charlie are locked in together is a great human touch. If I were Finn, that's exactly what I'd be doing. Truth be told, I relate a lot to Finn. Probably why I like this story so much.

Oh, and I like the fact they're not all screaming hysterics and the whole scene is blown out of dramatic proportion. You have a real knack for gauging how your characters would act in a given situation.

Two questions, though: How did Joe convince Lina there was a viable reason for finger sandwiches being in a bedroom, and who else is at the 'garden' party? Namely, why are they the sort that gives the boys dirty looks? Both quite minor, I think, but I am curious.

Third question: I find it a bit weird all these faceless and nameless party guests are so passive-aggressively Victorian. And how the main cast is willing to blurt out secrets in their presence without a care. And that Charlie can change the channel at will for quite some time before someone pipes up, and even /declare/ his victory without anyone butting in.

PS - Screw the Yankees. Sorry, but, it's like, genetic or something.

PPS - Dashboard is pretty dece. Or, however you write that silly word. "Dies"? I'm never quite sure if it has it's origins in 'decent' or 'diesel'; either way, he's pretty "deess".
8/25/2008 c1 Durak
First of all, I love OneRepublic. That's a great abrogation of my musical principles, but I can't help it. I mean, "Mercy" is, like, a freakin' awesome song.

Secondly, I thought I was the only moron who screwed up what was what in the mirror. Charlie has made me less humiliated.

You continue in the same style as TSM, which I applaud you for. It works beautifully.

The insight you give into your characters is, again, so beautifully nuanced and well thought out I can't help but love them. Very well done.

My only qualm is Finn's near omniscience. He is simply /too/ aware of what other people are thinking. At the very least, I think he should admit to himself that he is one sharp tack.

Good, good, good. On to chapter two!

(I apologize for the short review. You do all the same good things you did before, and your plot and characters are unfolding skillfully, as before. Also, like I said, I only had one question. So, I have very little to comment on in the way of critique. So far, so good. =) )
8/18/2008 c2 8Written
I saw GP suggest that we have a garden party. my only reply to that is "um, duh."

i don't know how we will have this garden party, but whatever. ON TO THE STORY.

[“So why are you going to a garden party in November?” ]

fair question.


OH MAN. now that I see their silly plan in action, it seems so evil! I'd be so mad at my friends. my goodness. although maybe it's what they need? a little heart to heart time?

never mind... they aren't talking...

aw. finn is nice guy. I've always really enjoyed his character.
8/18/2008 c1 Written
And I dont know WHY I started reading when you said you'll probably take this down... haha. bad timing D:



Okay, I can speak again. Maybe. I'm so super excited to see these characters again. lina is a dear, seriously. like, I can't believe this is how it all went down after her confession. that sucks. but it's going to be okay, right? I mean, assuming you write this story up to the end?
7/28/2008 c3 11vrivasfl
I have never seen to O.C. For those of you who have seen the O.C., I'm glad you caught that reference. For those of you who haven't welcome to the same confused boat Finn and I are one. (You see what you've done. You've made me contemplate watching the series on DVD now!)

Ah, the saga of Lina DeRangeo and Charlie Forrester moves on...but that doesn't mean the Finn and Carrie won't have their own saga. Their saga is going much better, might I add. Take notes, prospective men. Finn is a good role model. ( Better than some people I can think of...)

I must know where this goes. Not just Lina and Charlie, but of Carrie and Finn as well. And Joe? Well, no story is compete without a third-or rather fifth-wheel. Who knows? Maybe he'll have the happy ending after all.
7/27/2008 c2 vrivasfl
Ah, the beauty of double reviews. Well, at least it brings me back to one of my favorite stories and I will add on to that with such a wonderful addition to a wonderful story.

The best part was undoubtedly Carrie and Joe. Those guys are crazy! Okay, well, Carrie is crazy, but she's pulling poor Joe into it. Love it. (I can only imagine the level of craziness Mrs. Howard must have.)

Carrie's plan worked-well, not the closet part-but it only worked for one day. Maybe that day was enough. Maybe not. Hey, maybe I can just read the next chapter to find out. Oh that Finn. I would hate to have his life as well.
7/25/2008 c1 vrivasfl
Me again! Yes, I love TSM and I just had to come back for the sequel. Finn was a great character in TSM. Now we get to delve into his psyche as we watch from his point of view.

Now it's been a few weeks. Forrester and Lina aren't seeing eye to eye and it's up to our good ol' boy Finn to set things straight. You know, because he's just that kind of a friend. (He also seems to be the kind of friend who ready to strange someone becuase he's mixed up in something he really doesn't want to be in.)

Carrie, of course, makes the stupid plan, but Finn and Joe manage to edit it so it's not as stupid. Well, I'll just have to read on to see how effective it is, won't I? Good stuff. This is worthy of being the sequel to TSM.
7/24/2008 c1 3SapphirePrima
I haven't read TSM, but I really like what's going on, it's pretty easy to follow. I like the flow of your writing.
7/20/2008 c3 4GrannyP
okay.. here we go...

In this chapter, Carrie and Finn seem to SO totally LOVE each other. I thought I was crazy or something for not noticing it before... maybe you had mentioned earlier that they were dating and I had completely missed it, but I don't recall that happening before. Maybe I am just really slow. But I totally saw a connection between the two of them early on in the chapter, even before the whole OC scene thing at the end. I never watched that show, by the way, not that it's important. I just don't watch TV. Haha!

I am actually shocked that Lina is still talking to Carrie after all of Carrie's little plans to get the two of them together. And Carrie even TOLD Charlie that Lina likes him. I wish Charlie would do something. I want to slap him around also. The only person I don't want to slap around is Finn... even though he hurt Carrie's feelings, which is just proof that she loves him.

Okay, I should probably stop with all of this now. And keep it up with Finn. He is nice.
7/20/2008 c2 GrannyP
Okay... I seriously messed up somewhere along the line. I saw today's posting for chapter 3... so I read it... and I had a nice review planned out. But while I was reading, I was thoroughly confused. I didn't remember anything about a garden party that was mentioned... and locking people in a room... totally over my head... then I made a comment about Carrie and Finn and got all paranoid that I had missed something about the two of them, so I went back and looked at previous chapters. Much to my surprise, I discovered that I never read chapter 2! How did THAT happen? I have no idea! So anyway, I read chapter 3 before chapter 2 and it messed up my perception of the story!

Anyway, I want to slap Lina around sometimes... she has issues... And poor Charlie still seems to clueless as always... haha. I did like the idea of locking them together though! Too bad it didn't work! It always works in the movies!

Now on to my review of chapter 3, which was actually thought of before this one!
7/9/2008 c1 GrannyP
Aw dude, I totally forgot that this thingy was up here! The sequel! The first part was cool, so naturally I would have to check this out.

When Written gets back, we should all have a garden party. Haha!

Oh, and I love it that it was all Carrie's idea to involve Meredith, even though we knew that's what happened but never actually "knew" knew. I made no sense, I know. Haha!

And, by the way, I was very flattered that you came to me for advice. I feel all proud now.
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