Just In
for In The Night We Were Taken

7/10/2008 c1 2Brackish Song
OOH! I would really like to know what happens next! =]
7/8/2008 c1 Selphie-chan
I feel like a whole different review is necessary to tell you.



Kidding, love. I adored it. It's a really good prologue and I can't wait to read more and find out what happens to Noelle! The beginning almost seems like a child's story, aimed at readers Noelle's age but as it progresses it really takes the shape of a truly dynamic and develop-able story that could captivate even an old hag like me. I can already tell that the characters are complex and the story is far from unoriginal and I can't wait to see more!
7/8/2008 c1 Selphie-chan
Here's the rest of my grammar nazi garble. I swear I feel like a total idiot because I'm doubting my view on possessive nouns. I may or not be right but it's worth a double check I guess. Here goes:

When it says Noelle shook with confusion, you shouldn't start two sentences each with the name Noelle, it sounds awkward.

Person in gray's, instead of grays, I think.

Similar situation... same peoples' language? Maybe. I hate possessives XD

Cousin's flailing fists. If I'm wrong I swear I won't take honors english in college .

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