Just In
for I'm Not a Soup Can

5/14/2013 c2 1incrediblectopus
I like it. I hope you decide to work on this again.
6/5/2012 c2 10Nami98
3/19/2011 c2 LivinLyfe2TheFullest
ooh cant wait to see what happens next (:

i wish i had a brother :P
1/1/2011 c2 pancyfants
i hope we get to see the story in full soon!
12/2/2010 c2 ebs12
been a while since i read this so cant tell the difference right now. keep updating though
7/31/2010 c2 buznuz1
please update! i was so excited when this story got updated! so please update more! great chapter!
5/30/2010 c2 3Kiki Gardens
I want moree hahaa
5/30/2010 c2 13morphine and lollipops
I love how he complains about the calcium in cheese when he is eating salami, one of the most fattening meats in the world! yay for rewrites. THIS IS EXCITING.
5/30/2010 c20 Pip
please, Please, PLEASE continue. I love this story and the characters, especially Hayden - he is so adorable!
4/30/2010 c20 annouska
I love this story so much. I hope when you finish your other stories, you decide to continue this, it's so brilliant! But I have to admit, I find 'Duet' and 'Just Because' more brilliant, since I'm obssessed with gay people a bit:P Oops, embarrassing! Anyway, the point is, do continue this at some point, if you get any inspiration!
4/30/2010 c16 annouska
*cackles like a maniac* He's so into her! Aw poor Hayden!
4/30/2010 c3 annouska
This is cuute! Alright, I have to admit I like your other stuff better, but still this is so CUTE!
4/8/2010 c20 23Annie Jane
Yay! I get review number 200!

Why did you stop! ::sad face:: It's just getting to the good bit as well! Nick hasn't even found out. And I want to know what these code words are! So you haven't touched this in over a year... Maybe your thinking you should? ::Hypnotic eyes:: Tell me this is working, other wise I'm going to feel quite stupid...

So... Any chance your going to continue this one any time soon? I hope so. I want to see the end and I'm sure you do too other wise Nick, Hayden and Keira will be floating in your brain and end up driving you crazy!


P.s. Did this guilt you into it? If so then sorry (not really) yeah... ::sheepish face::
12/18/2009 c20 2XxGlAmOuRkIlLsXx
four words... i freaking love this!
12/11/2009 c20 Kiki
Hey, are you going to add more chapters to this story? PLEASE do cuse I officialy love it! It is so sweet! Thanks!
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